part 15 - moving on

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Beau POV

Mason opens his mouth to say something but I put my hand up. It's about time I say something about the fuckery in this house.

"You know what, 'mom'," I start, putting air quotes over mom, "you were never there when I needed you mostly! don't dare call me a fuck toy when you know DAMN WELL the reason dad doesn't come home is because he knew YOUR hoe ass had 5 different men up in his bed every week and didn't want to walk into that type of heartbreak!

And don't get me started on your absence and lack of maturity! Where were you at parent teacher meetings? When I made honor roll every year? My first heartbreak? Did YOU teach me how to drive, or was it one of my friends moms?? Answer that! Who had to learn to cook for themselves from a young age because YOU couldn't be bothered too??

All you did was prance around with your bottle of wine and 7 different side dudes! At least I can say I went to college. At least I can say I'm here physically, emotionally and mentally for MY child and MY significant other? CAN YOU?"

I ask, breathing hard. Silence. "Can. You?"

I ask again, staring her right in the eyes. "Get. out." She seethes. I just stare at her and laugh dryly, shaking my head bitterly.

I snap out of my gaze when I feel a sudden shift in pressure on my lap and two small arms try their best to wrap themselves around me. I finally become aware of the loud sobbing Bella is doing and the sly smirk Mason has on his face. "Dada is sorry he yelled. He knows you don't like yelling." I apologized, running my hand through her hair and standing up. I don't even have to tell Mason we're leaving. As I slam the front door shut, I mutter, "goodbye and fuck you too, bitch."


Mason POV

I sat down on Beau's side of the bed and rubbed his thigh, "Baby you okay?" "Mhm. I just should've said something earlier, and not taken you or Bella. She doesn't deserve to even know about you guys and I just- I don't wanna be like her." "You're not. You're so much better than her. Are you feeling guilty about yelling?" "Yeah, she was shaking the whole car-ride home. And she flinched when I was taking her hair down. I've worked so hard to not be her mom. And I don't wanna slip up."

"Hey, baby, look at me," I meet his glossy eyes, "you. are not. that woman. When Bella cries, who's rushing over to comfort her? You. Who makes sure shes fed all the time, and clothed? You. And that's already way more than whatever form of the devil that woman is can say."

"Thank you," he says, leaning up and pressing a quick peck to my lips. I just press a kiss to his temple. "I'm off to get pick up the car seat." "Keys are on the dining room table."

I nodded, picked up the keys, and made my way to the nearest Walmart.


I can barely turn onto our street before I see an ambulance.

"...The fuck?" I mumble. Doctors are loading a small figure into an ambulance while a man is by the elevator, looking distraught. I squint from the parking space, wait... that's MY man. I dont waste any time pulling the keys out of the ignition, and pushing my way over to Beau and whoever he was talking to. As I get closer, my stomach drops to the earth's mantle and I can start to hear what they're saying.

"Can I have one more re-statement of your account on what happened? And is there anybody else I can call?" The person who I find to be a woman asks. At that moment Beau locks eyes with me and I hold my arms out for him. He comes running, and starts crying harder than before. "Baby, baby," I pull away from him for a second, wiping his tears, "I know you're upset but you need to tell me what's going on."

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