part 6 - unplanned and sudden

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long chapter


Beau POV

Mason uses the keycard to unlock the hotel room door and lets us all in. There are two beds and I set Bella down on one before pointing to the side of the other bed that mason's already made himself comfortable in.

"Can I?" I murmur softly. He just nods, analyzing my every move. "Is it weird I trust you so much? I trusted you even before you got stranded with Bella, but even more-so now." I shift from my position gazing at the wall and look down at him.

"I'm sorry I've been projecting so much of my emotional stress onto you," I glance at Bella for a second, "I only got Bella a few days ago. I didn't know she existed until just a few weeks ago, from a drunk mistake" I pause and swallow hard. I won't tell him how she was conceived. "I didn't expect to get full custody of her. When I did her mom and her mom's husband started attacking me and I decided to skip town" I take a breath, beginning to tear up. "I already love her so much and I couldn't imagine her getting hurt."

Mason sits up and lays his hand on top of mine, pulling me into him and wrapping his arms around me. I don't feel uncomfortable, the two of us already know that the other is gay and he's being nice. I just relax and enjoy his touch. We stay like that for a while, until I hear him murmur something.

"Thanks for opening up, B. It means a lot that you trust me."

"I owe you some form of trust after all of this, at the very least," I respond quietly, "I'm gonna shower and change"

I get out of the shower and Mason gets in it. I settle on a silk pajama set and change Bella aswell, before curling up into bed with her. I had full intentions of staying up to thank him for listening and all that he's done but that goes down the drain when I'm asleep within minutes.


I was awoken the next morning by the sun shining in my face and the sound of giggles from the bathroom. If this was their attempt at being quiet than- I mean, least they tried. Scratching my head and yawning I trudge into the bathroom to see Mason with his toothbrush in his mouth holding Bella up on the counter. She's holding her toothbrush and giggling at her and Mason's reflection in the mirror.

"A certain duo are proving themselves to be very energetic this morning," I say, smiling at the pair and grabbing my toothbrush as well. I get to work on maintaining my pearly whites while watching the two mess about and eventually get the job done. 

I keep my eyes down when Mason catches my eye in the mirror, I've been caught red-handed. But in my defense, I don't see a shirt and how does he not expect me to look?

Eventually, we are all clothed and ready to head out. Today's task is to visit my parents and explore the city a bit. I didn't pry about mason's plans for the day but I decided that I'd leave after him and sneak down to the front desk and pay for the next few days of our stay. I did crash his buisness trip. Well, I don't know if this is a buisness trip for him. Out of all the things I've learned, like purple being his favorite color and tea being his favorite drink or him being gay, I have no idea why he's here. I brush those thoughts away and slip on my medium-sized bookbag and walk out the hotel with Bella and the room's keycard in hand.

We didn't wonder far before coming across a Boba Tea cafe and of course I had to go in. I settle on strawberry tea with regular boba and let Bella have some in a small cup, and get what I know to be Mason's favorite: Matcha tea. 


Today has been pretty successful, although I did chicken out from visiting my parents. I came across a daycare and a cute salon I plan on applying at. I get back to the hotel and am met with the sight of Mason, in comfortable clothes, on the bed typing away on his laptop. I smile nervously at him, and he smiles back at me. Why is my heart going crazy?

"I brought you tea" I say, carefully handing the tea to him, "sorry its not warm anymore.."

"Its fine," He says, smiling at me in amusment before glancing at Bella, "always asleep, huh?"

"Yeah, we came across a gold mine that is a playground, today."

"I see," he chuckles, "that must've been fun." I set Bella down on the bed before sitting next to Mason on the side of his bed. "Watcha doin'?" "Work stuff, pretty boring." "Ah okay." He pats the spot next to him inviting me to lay down and I do so, watching Dr.Phil on the TV until I change Bella and I into our pajamas. Mason continues to work. I really like Mason, so I decide to be bold. "Hey Mason?" I half ask, half state as I crawl under the covers in his bed for the night. "Yeah?" He responds, looking over at me probably just assuming I'm gonna stay up with him a little longer. "Don't stay up too late." I say softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek and laying back down, wrapping my arms around him and trying to fall asleep in my flushed state as quick as possible. The last thing I hear is Mason mumble, "Goodnight, Beau" before im out cold.

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