part 16 - the diagnosis

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dont be mean im making this based on real stories from when i was younger

Beau POV

The nurse is watching from a foot away but I don't care, all I want is Mason and now that he's here I won't let go. "Baby, calm down. You cry, I cry and somebody here needs to be calm." He said, I could already see the tears in his eyes.

"She woke up crying, I think she had a nightmare." I start, and notice the nurse come closer, writing on her notepad.  "A-and, I tried to get her to stop but she wasn't crying like normal. It was strained, and I started noticing her trying really hard. Her breaths were short, and quick and she looked panicked. God, the desperate look in her eyes when she looked at me, begging me to help her." I stopped, and took a moment to collect myself, "And then she went limp, so I called an ambulance."


Mason POV 

I wrapped my arms around Beau as we both tried our best to keep it together until we were called to go to the hospital. The ride there was unnerving, all the doctors rushing around the small girl sent me further into fight or flight. 


Beau was asleep back to my chest over a few chairs in the hospital room. I sighed, knowing that he'd jolt awake the moment he heard any movement. But he needed this sleep badly. The door to the hospital room opened and Beau flinched before opening his eyes.

"Well," the nurse started, glimpsing at the Bella's sleeping state, "she'll be discharged after she's woken up. Bella has Reflexic Anoxic Seizures, which is a condition found mostly is children 6 months to 2 years old. She will grow out of it," The nurse looks us both in the eyes trying to reassure us.

"Her episode was caused by lack of oxygen to the brain, like all other Anoxic-Seizures. If my notes are correct, the way she was crying after waking up seemed strained and she air intake was odd. The emotional trauma from whatever dream she had made her cry, and as she got more and more upset she wasn't focusing on her breathing which didn't allow for enough air to be pumped to the brain, sending her into an Anoxic Seizure. She does not need any medication and when these episodes occur, you put her into Recovery Position and wait for her to come back to."

I nod at the nurse, and she exits to 'let us have a moment' after making us aware a counselor will be back to evaluate us before we leave. Beau just wraps his arms around me and speaks with his newly-lost voice, "My baby is fainting and they want me to lay her on her side?? There has to be something more to this, babe.". 
"We just have to do as told, I'm not taking any chances."
He just sighs.


Bella has finally woken up, although she doesn't seem like herself. She's really just looking around and I notice her gaze isn't as lively and curious as it usually is. Her eyes fix on something for a few seconds before slowly blinking and moving on to the next thing, and she's stayed in Beau's arms longer than usual. She usually gets bored after 15 minutes of sitting still and goes to find a toy to play with, but she's very quiet and tired. It's breaking my heart, I'd do anything to be chasing her around the apartment again.
"Dad, you okay?" The assistant nurse asks me, snapping me out of my gaze. I just nod.
The counselor continues, "This should have no effect on her brain, it's not an actual seizure, just an episode. Now we do have to ask some questions about Bella, are you guys ready to continue?"

Beau nods this time. They start asking questions about things like her speech development and movement. After roughly 45 minutes of questioning, they recommend we take her to a speech therapist, do more speech exercises and we've already booked a check-up for the following week. We walk home since the house isn't too far and my babies look exhausted, it's absolutely horrible seeing them like this. 
Beau has completely refused to let go of Bella even when taking off our coats and I'm sure as hell struggling to get him to rest. Hell, I'm struggling to get myself to rest.

"She's already asleep, Beau. She'll be right next to you, you can roll over and check on her at any time. Just get some rest, honey."
"What if something happens while we're both asleep? I'm sure she won't always cry when having an episode."
"The doctor said it's very unlikely for two attacks to occur so close together"
I was about to start listing the reasons why when I turned around just-in-time to catch Beau's eyes flutter shut. I send him a soft smile even though he can't see in get into bed aswell. At last, well-needed rest.

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