8. drunk

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I don't like this chapter but whatever louis is 23 WTF HE WAS JUST 19 HOW DOES THAT HAPPEN I'll probably update again cause it's louis BDAY anyway bye

Louis: I hate you

Louis: no I don't

Louis: I actually like you

annoying: um Louis?

Louis: when you said we should date you were right I was just scared to tell you

annoying: Louis are you okay

Louis: I'm at some party& I've had like six beers and some shots

annoying: holy shit lou you need to stop

Louis: lou ?

annoying: it's a nickname if you don't like it I won't call you by it

Louis: no I like it

Louis: just like I like you

annoying: louis you don't even know me

Louis: I know but you're nice and caring and I hate to say it but you're kinda funny

annoying: Louis you need to go home and get some sleep

Louis: but I like talking to you

annoying: Louis call a cab and go home

Louis: niall said you have a deep voice

annoying: well I sorta do but that's not the point you need to go home louis

Louis: how do I call a cab ?

annoying: I'll call one for you just go out front and wait for it

Louis: okay woah I think I just saw a rabbit wave to me

annoying: oh my god you're so drunk

Louis: I'm not drunk you are

annoying: whatever Louis I'm calling a cab what's the address

Louis: 6678 broke street I think , don't leave me

annoying: Louis I just gotta call a cab

Louis: okay I'm counting on you

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