23. I will do no such thing

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loulou: harry styles

har-bear: how the hell did you find out ?

loulou: you know i thought you were going to deny that it was you

loulou: oh & a little birdy told me ;)

styles: was it niall?

loulou: for once it wasn't niall

styles: tell me tomlinson

styles: god you have a long last name

styles: when we get married you're changing your last name

tomlinson: 1. no styles

tomlinson: 2. tell me something I don't know

tomlinson: 3. you haven't even taken me on a date yet & you're talking about getting married

styles: well yeah i was just giving you a heads up

styles: cause i mean you'll have to change it to styles

tomlinson: I will do no such thing

tomlinson: why are we even talking about this

styles: cause we are gonna get married one day

styles: rather talk about it sooner than later

tomlinson: oh god

tomlinson: no

styles: the color scheme can be blue & green like our eyes

tomlinson: ew

tomlinson: thats so cliché i just threw up

styles: as much as i love talking about our futher wedding

styles: how long have you known who i am

tomlinson: eh

tomlinson: a week or less maybe

styles: & you just now tell me ?

tomlinson: yep

styles: well ok

styles: back to our wedding then

tomlinson: i suddenly have to go


you guys are going to hate me for the next chapters but oh well. so this was really cute so yeah bye

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