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The day bloomed beautifully as it is the first season of the year.

Top Artist Live Interview.

"Let us all welcome the top artist and the youngest entrepreneurs in the city, Son Chaeyoung and Kang Daniel!" The host announced with energy.

The audience inside the show and the audience watching the show are excited to see the youngest entrepreneurs and top artist together in an interview.

Chaeyoung and Daniel entered the stage as the audience welcomed them with applause and cheers. They bow to the host, to the audience, and to each other with a smile before they take their seat.

"We are honoured to have you, Chaeyoung and Daniel! Thank you for accepting our invitation despite your each busy schedules."

"We are glad to be part of the show." Daniel response immediately with a smile. "Right, Son Chaeyoung?"

"Of course! It's a pleasure to be here." Chaeyoung smile adoringly and the audience awed loudly since the camera was focused on her side profile and her deep as ocean dimple blessed the audience eyes.

Daniel and the host saw the screen and awed as well. Chaeyoung covers her face with a pillow as she gets shy.

"Chaeyoung-ssi is really the cutest rapper of them all." The host complimented. Everyone agreed and again Chaeyoung got shy from the compliment.

It is the first week of January. Chaeyoung and Daniel were invited in an interview after their individual promotions last year. They are asked to do a season greeting that's why they are together in the show.

After the small talk about their holidays, the host asks their future promotions.

"Who should I ask first?" The host asked them.

"Ladies first, "Daniel answered.

"Ohh, Daniel-sii is really generous." The host complimented. Daniel just responded with a smile. "So Chaeyoung-ssi, the question is do you have any plans of collaborating with an artist on your next album?"

Chaeyoung nod. "Yes, I was planning on working with this person."

"Can you tell who is it?" The host asked.

"I will be working with a girl. She is a rapper but she had never been in a spotlight before."

"Does that mean, the person is not a known artist?"

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