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After filling their stomach, the girls shared a glass of wine as they shared their lives. More likely an open forum between their friendship and relationships.

"Since I'm the only one who doesn't have a partner in this table, I will be the host today." Jihyo started the speech. "Alright, let's start with Jeongyeon and Momo."

"What about us?" Jeongyeon and Momo said at the same time. "There's no us."

"We know. Not yet." Nayeon responded. "When are you planning to date?"

"I'm not in a rush." Jeongyeon said.

"Me too." Momo added.

"Just date already, it's been four years." Sana spoke.

"She's not ready." Jeongyeon said.

"I am but you're not in a rush." Momo said that made table quiet.

"Seems like, there's a huge misunderstanding between you two." Jihyo said.

"It's alright, Jihyo. They're going out as friends with benefits, there's no need to rush for a serious relationship." Sana revealed the truth.

"Ow... What a nasty friends." Jihyo shakes her head.

"Very nasty." Nayeon seconded.

"I guess there is nothing to worry between you two. So let's move on you." Jihyo pointed Nayeon.

"Me?" Nayeon hummed and rest her chin above her palm ㅡ facing Tzuyu that was sitting on her left.

"Why are you facing her?" Sana asked in deep curiosity. "Tzuyu, did you gave up already?"

"Gave up, what, unni?"

Sana looks at her up and down. "Yourㅡ" She covers her mouth with her palm, eyes going up and down.

"It's not what you think." Nayeon defended. "Keep your thoughts to yourself. We're together now, that's it."

"Since when?" Jihyo asked.

"Six months ago."

"That long? How come you didn't mention anything?" Jeongyeon chimed in.

"We're busy with our individual lives. And I don't want to be clingy around you guys."

"Since when did you started liking Tzuyu? You said you will never date her cause she's just a giant baby?"

"That was four years ago, Jeongyeon. Look at her. Does she still look like a baby to you? As years passed by, I grew attached to her. At those times that nobody understands me, she was there listening to me. She never left my side whenever I needed a shoulder to lean on."

Jeongyeon shrugged. "Can't blame you. She has grown finely." She looks at Tzuyu. "I'm curious what made you accept her, Tzuyu?"

Tzuyu slowly rests her chin on the back of her palm, copying Nayeon's position as she brings her eyes on her. She stares deeply, thinking about an answer and place her hand on Nayeon's crown ㅡ stroking her head gently... "How should I put it in words?..." She hummed, eyes filled with deep care. "Honestly... I don't know but my mind tells me to protect this clumsy bunny more. I want her near my eyes. I want her close to me. I always want to be by her side."

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