An Army Man Toy , A Superhero Toy

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Past time Lovelys next chapter will be present time. 😘❤️🌸✨....

I'm still continuing with Always Near, Never Far.. And will be writing this one as well... Hope you All like it ....


May 3rd 2002
-- Twins 6th Birthday --

Gina had woken up to feeling someone clutching onto her leg, someone holding onto her waist, and someone snuggled up against her back.

She quirked and eyebrow and raised the blankets and sheets to see what was holding onto her. She heard a little giggle from the person holding her leg and waist.

" Ahhh Someone help help me. someone's has my leg." Gina played along with the boys.

The boys jumped out from the sheets " Rawr " They shouted laughing and hugging Gina.

Gina laughed and tickled her three boys " now what are you three boys doing in here " she said still playing along with the boys.

"It's a special day Mumma, it's Luke and Jai's day" Beau excitedly said jumping up on the bed.

Luke and Jai nodded jumping with Beau. Gina laughed and tickled the boys.

"And what's so special about this day hm. Why is it Luke and Jai's special day " She said playing confused.

Luke and Jai looked shocked at her "MUMMA ITS OUR BIRTHDAY. DONT YOU REMEMBER" Luke and Jai shouted in unison.

Gina laughed " of course I remember my little birthday boys, Now what would you three like for breakfast." Gina said sitting up in bed against the bed head board.

"PANCAKES WE WANT PANCAKES " All three yelled in unison, Gina laughed hoping out of bed.

They all walked downstairs and into the kitchen where there were presents staked on the table.

Jai and Luke's eyes lite up, running over to the table jumping up and sitting on the seat. They both turned to look at Gina.

They gave her a look that red " Can open the presents, Gimme them", Gina laughed shaking her head and nodded giving the go to open the presents.

Jai and Luke ripped into the present not caring about the wrapping paper.

Luke opened his and in there was a Superhero action figure, and hugged his mum saying thank you to her and giving her a kiss.

Jai opened his and in there was an Army man action figure, his eyes went big and he gave a little squeal of happiness, running up to Gina and engulfing her with a big hug.

"Thank you Mumma. It's what I always wanted. I love you " He whispered into her ear, smiling at her.

"Mumma, your the best. I love you" Luke whispered in her ear as well.

Beau just kept eating the pancakes and smiled at them, they all ate the pancakes.

Once they were finished breakfast, They could finally get there present off of Beau. Beau ran up to his room and came back seconds later with two small bags.

"Here Jai this ones for you, And Luke this ones for you " Beau said handing them the right bag to open.

They both received to matching necklaces from Beau. On Jai's necklace it had ' My superhero Lukey' and On Luke's it had ' My Army Man Jai Jai'. The necklaces looked both the same and gold chain with a silver stone in the corner.

They got dressed, The twins wanted to match each other. Luke wore a Blue top with black Jean short, Jai wore a Blue top and Black Jean short. The exact same as Luke

They walked downstairs and Gina laughed when she saw them. They always loved matching their clothes, she never pushed them to, but they did It anyway.

They all went to Nonna and Nonno's place to open their present from them. The twins took their Army man and Superhero toy with them.

-- At Nonno and Nonna's place --

" NONNA, NONNO " Three boys ran through the house of their grandparents place. The boys playing with there new toys.

"Ahh Boys, Happy birthday Jai and Luke " Nonna said in her thick Italian/Australian accent, hugging the three boys.

"Present Nonna, Lets open the Presents" Luke and Jai said in unison, smiling a big toothy grin.

"Okay okay, go get Nonno." Nonna said pointing to where Nonno Brooks was going to be.

The three boys ran to Nonno, Waking him up and pulling/dragging him into the lounge room.

Nonno got up to grab a drink from the kitchen " Jeez Gina sweetie, Them boys love their birthday " He said in his Italian/Australian accents.

They all laughed and walked into the lounge room seeing Luke and Jai playing with the new Action figures.

Nonna looked at Gina " You brought Jai and Army man solider toy" Gina nodded.

"Mum I cant stop him from loving his dream, he wants to be an Army man." Gina whispered to her. Nonna Brooks Nodded and smiled at her.

Luke and Jai opened their present, they got a matching top from Nonna and from Nonno they got two brother rings Jai got Luke's name on his and Luke got Jai's name on his.

The rest of The brooks family Came over for the 6 year olds birthday party for Luke and Jai.

They loved all the present they had gotten from family. They stayed a while with the everyone from Brooks Family and ate cake and had fun.

Jai and Luke played with the toys that Beau had gotten them. They were seated on the ground i front of the Tv.

"Help me, help me Army Man. They're going to hurt me" Luke said playing with his toy.

" I'm right here Superhero Man, I'll save you" Jai said in a brave voice.

The boys played for ages like this. Jai and Luke could never get sick of it. Gina told them it was time to go home and have a sleep for the next day they had primary school.

--- At Brooks Household ---

Beau, Luke and Jai We t to brush their teeth and they all rushed in jumping up into Gina's bed, Gina walked into her room and saw the lumps on her bed underneath the blanket.

She lifted them up and was faced with three sleeping little boys, Her boys.
The boys snuggled into each other.

Jai sleeping with one arm wrapped around his toy and The other arm wrapped around Luke, Luke had one arm wrapped around his Toy and the other arm wrapped around Jai, They both faced each other. And Beau was snuggled up to his bear and his back closely against Luke's Back.

Gina took a picture on her phone and then hoped into her bed, Beau snuggled up to her " I love you mummy " he whispered to her.

she smiled and kissed his forehead "
I love you too Beau".

"We love you mummy " Both the twins mumbled together and snuggled into each other.

She looked over at the twins, she knew that if Jai wanted to continue his dream and become an Army solider he'd leave behind Luke and Beau.

She prayed that he would make his decision by what his heart told him to go with. She couldn't loose a son, and her sons couldn't loose a brother.


XOXOXOX I hope you'll all like this fanfic as much as 'Always Near Never Far' . But it's okay if you don't. I still love you all that you continue to read my books. 😘❤️❤️ xxxxxxx

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