Jai Goes Back To War

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Jai goes back to war after Florence's birthday. ❤️. Hope ya's like it.

-- 19th February 2014 --

Jai was packing his bag once again, it had only been two days since Florence's birthday. He was to go back to war, to fight. Florence was helping him pack folding his clothes.

She looked up at him " Uncle Jai Jai, Daddy's upset that your going. I heard him cry last night." She said looking down at her feet.

Jai bent down on his knees and lifted her chin to look at him " Flory I am going but I promise I'll be back. here I got you something princess" He pulled out a little jewellery box and opened it.

He pulled out a a necklace with a heart locket on it " Now whenever you feel alone, know that I'm always here with you " He said opening the locket revealing a picture of him and Florence nudging their noses together.

On the locket engraved on it was ' My Bravest Little Princess' Jai helped put it around her neck, She leaped into his arms " Thank You Uncle Jai Jai " She whispered into his ear.

He got up and placed her on the bed, They continued to pack his bag. Once they were done, Jai and Florence went downstairs they decided to get something to eat.

Charlie and Luke were in the kitchen making lunch for everyone that was over. Ryder, Lucy and Daniels Son came running in and leaped into Jai's arms.

"Uncle Jai Jai " He excitedly said hugging Jai, Jai Laughed and picked him up.

"How's my favourite little boy." Jai said giving ruffling up Ryder's hair. Florence giggled and Kissed Ryder on the cheek.

"I'm Good Uncle Jai Jai " He said smiling at Jai. Jai smiled back at him.

Ryder was Lucy and Daniel's son, he was a a year older then Florence. Florence was his best friend, and Ryder was Florence's best friend. Even though he was Six years old, he loved Florence like a sister.

"Your going back to War aren't you " Ryder said looking at his shoes.

Jai sighed and nodded " yeah buddy I am, but I promise when I come home next time. We'll play ball me, you and Flory." he said smiling at Ryder.

Ryder's eyes lit up " Really Uncle Jai Jai, oh my gosh Florence were gonna play ball with Uncle Jai Jai when he comes back again." he excitedly said jumping up and down with Florence.

Jai laughed and stood up he walked over to Luke and Charlie " what did use want me to take out there guys" he asked taking a sip of Luke's beer.

Luke smacked his arm and playfully glared at him " don't drink my drink Jai" He whined taking it away from him.

Jai laughed and Charlie handed him a bowl of potato salad " take that out mister" she said jokingly.

Luke took the other stuff out and placed it on the table, Jai went over to check the bbq, he flipped over the meat and watched everyone, taking everything in. After all he was going back tonight.

He was leaving right after his bbq they were having for him. That's when he wouldn't see them for two years, that's how long he was to wait for the next big holidays.

Jai was sitting on the camper chair with Florence and Ryder on his lap, cuddling them, for there age they sure knew what Jai's job was and the negative things that could happen.

"Uncle Jai Jai, We Love you " Ryder mumbled into his chest. Jai smiled and pulled them closer to him.

"I love use two Ry and Flory, Remember I'll be back and we'll play ball with each other's." Jai said picking them up off his lap.

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