Florence's Birthday

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.. Hope you like the previous chapter ❤️. Hopefully you like it, I don't know much about the war so bare with me please . ❤️❤️....

Sorry for the slow update 💗 and sorry for the chapter being so long. 😘💗

-- February 17th 2014 --

Today was the day, Luke and Charlie woke up early to wrap Florence's present and go into her room.

Luke sat on the edge of her 'big girl bed' as she likes to call it. She instantly woke up, scaring Luke which made him fall off the bed and scream.

He sat up popping his head up and pouted " Thanks Flory, Come give daddy a kiss you scared the crap out of him." Charlie and Florence laughed at him.

Florence climbed over her blanket and kissed her daddy " I'm sorry for scaring you daddy. But it's my Birthday I'm five today." She excitedly said holding five fingers up in front of Luke's face.

Luke laughed and pulled her down to him, she let out a little squeal and laughed.

Charlie say down next to them and kisses her little girls forehead " Happy Birthday pumpkin." she smiled and handed Florence her present.

"Happy birthday my little princess" He said giving her a kiss on the forehead.

They both watched her open her present from them. Her eyes lit up when she saw what it was. It was a dolly and a beautiful charm bracelet, with an army man on it and a crown.

She absolutely loved it " Daddy put this on me please." she held up the charm bracelet to him, he grabbed it and clasped it around her small wrist.

"There you go princess. Now do you want to know why we got you an army man and a crown." Luke said wrapping an arm around Charlie.

Florence nodded " yes please Daddy, oh please tell me." she asked, Luke picked her up and turned her to face him.

"Well the army man is a reminder that Uncle Jai Jai is always with you, and the crown is because your our little princess no matter what." Luke said nudging their noses together.

"Thank you Daddy, Thank you Mummy. I love you so much." Florence said cuddling the both of them.

Everyone came over after breakfast, giving Florence her birthday presents. The party Luke and Charlie had planned wasn't happening until the afternoon, that's when Jai was too come. But the only thing was that Luke hadn't heard anything from him yet.

"Hey Beau Chelsey. I need you to take Florence birthday shopping get her whatever she wants. Just keep her away from the house while we set up the party for her." He whispered to Beau and Chelsey.

The two nodded and walked over to Florence " Hey Flory, would you like to come shopping with Auntie Chel and Me." Beau said, Florence have them a big smile and nodded.

Hoping of her chair, she paused " Wait, does that mean I can lots of things if I go with you." She said giving them a little smirk.

Beau and Chelsey nodded " Yes you can whatever you want your the birthday girl." Chelsey said picking her up.

"Okay then let's go " Florence excitedly said.

Once Beau, Chelsey and Florence left, everyone got to work on the party for Florence. It had now been an hour and still Luke had heard nothing from Jai, You could say Luke was starting to worry lots.

Charlie noticed how he was acting " Luke he'll be here, his plane is probably delayed." she reassured him.

Luke looked over at her and shook his head at her " No baby. Something's feels wrong and I know it, He would've called me if the flight was going to be delayed. He would've told me somehow Charlie." He sighed running a hand through his hair.

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