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Josie was startled awake early the next morning by a persistent knocking at her bedroom door. She begrudgingly rose from the bed, careful not to disturb the girl lightly snoring beside her. She threw open the door, ready to yell at the person bothering her at 6:30 on a Sunday morning, but could barely get a sound out before she was interrupted. In any other circumstance, seeing her father completely outfitted in a hazmat suit and gloves would amuse Josie, but instead, it only managed to sober her up from her grogginess. "Is your sister in here with you?", Alaric asked, his mask allowing Josie to just make out his words. "No, she stayed with Hope last night.", Josie explained, trying to peek over her father's shoulders. "What's going on- why are you dressed like that?" "The younger students let some of our spelled animals escape. We don't know how dangerous they could be, so we're taking precautions.", Alaric explained in a rushed manner, watching the hallways for any sign of activity. "Stay here, and don't open this door for anything. This school is under quarantine, effective immediately." Josie attempted to ask more questions, but her father forced her to shut the door, locking it from the outside once she did.

Penelope, who had been awakened by Alaric's rushed, urgent conversation with Josie, came up behind the brunette, tapping her on the shoulder to catch Josie's attention. When she turned to face Penelope, she found the girl to still be slightly subdued by drowsiness, her hair tousled around messily, Josie's blanket draped on her shoulders like a cape. The sight made Josie's heart swoon, but she pushed her affections for Penelope away, shoving it aside to be dealt with later; There were bigger things that needed her attention. "Hey, Josie- Josie!", Penelope exclaimed, snapping Josie out of her daydream. Concerned hazel eyes concentrated on Josie's, Penelope's eyebrow quirked in silent curiosity. "What was your dad talking about?" Josie sighed, running her hands through her hair restlessly. "The school is on lockdown, so everybody is trapped in their rooms until my dad says it's safe." Visible relief washed over Penelope, a minute smile gracing her features. Josie, however, did not relate to Penelope's amusement at the situation. "How can you be so calm about all this?", Josie shouted, biting her lip between her teeth anxiously. "We're locked in here for who knows how long, with no idea of what is going on beyond this door!" Penelope, who had gone back to her previous spot on Josie's bed, simply shrugged. "I'm not worried because there isn't anything we can do about it, Josie. Your dad has this covered, so you need to sit down because your fidgetting is giving me anxiety."

Josie rolled her eyes at Penelope's statement but reluctantly moved to sit next to Penelope on the bed. "This isn't your battle, Josie; This isn't something that you need to fix.", Penelope reminded her, leaning back against the headboard. Seeing that Josie was still tense, she snapped her fingers to get the younger girl's attention, a broad smile on her face. "Hey, watch this!", she said with a mischievous grin. She mumbled an incantation under her breath, and a second later multiple bags of junk food were littering Josie's bed. Josie's jaw dropped open in surprise, turning to Penelope for an explanation. Penelope simply laughed, picking up one of the nearest bags. "A simple modification to a transportation spell.", she revealed, the pride in her eyes making Josie giggle quietly. Penelope tossed a bag of chips over to the girl, which Josie scrambled to catch. Josie opened them as Penelope pulled up a movie on Josie's computer. "Have you ever seen tangled?", Penelope asked, catching a flying piece of popcorn between her teeth. Josie shook her head, and Penelope pressed play on the screen. "If you ever tell anyone that I like Disney movies, I will deny it.", Penelope threatened, her softened demeanor amusing Josie instead of scaring her. Josie laughed, tossing a chip at Penelope, which made the latter girl gasp in mock surprise. "I always knew, deep down, you were a total softie, Penelope." A dark blush spread across Penelope's cheeks, and she turned her head so her hair would cover the evidence of it from Josie's view.

"Careful, Saltzman- before I show you just how much of a badass I can truly be."

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