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"So," Penelope asked as she lay out on Josie's bed. "How was your date last night?" Josie looked up from her book, her eyes wide open as she looked up at Penelope. "I-It wasn't a date.", Josie stuttered, swallowing hard before ducking her head back down into her book. "It was just a hangout with Jade and her friends." "Yeah, and how long did you and Jade stay with the rest of the group?", Penelope asked, chuckling lowly under her breath when Josie was unable to answer her question. "It was so totally a date, and from that blush on your cheeks, I'm guessing it was a very good one." "You don't know what you're talking about, Penelope.", Josie said with a scoff, turning her attention back to her book. "Jade and I are just...friends. I like hanging out with her, and her friends are fun to be around, too." "So you're telling me nothing happened with Jade?", Penelope questioned, her arms crossed over her chest. "Nothing at all?" Josie bit her lip between her teeth, avoiding Penelope's gaze. "That's what I said.", Josie confirmed in a slightly more high pitched voice than usual. Penelope gave her a disbelieving look, narrowing her eyes at the girl from her place on the bed. Unable to handle Penelope's gaze on her any longer, Josie cracked under its pressure.

"Okay, so maybe Jade kissed me.", Josie admitted, putting the book down in her lap. "And maybe I kissed back, but it doesn't mean anything...right?" The stunned look on Penelope's face vanished, and her features grew cold as she watched Josie nervously fidget on the other side of the room. "I don't know, Josie.", Penelope responded with a sigh. "I mean, how much do you know about this girl? She could be a complete psychopath, and you wouldn't even know." "Well, I mean, would it hurt to get to know her?", Josie reasoned with a hopeful glint in her eyes. "This is the first girl who's ever shown feelings for me back." When Penelope didn't acknowledge Josie's words, she groaned loudly. "C'mon, Penelope.", she begged. "I'm asking for your help here; I don't want to fuck up with Jade." "I can't tell you what to do, Josie.", Penelope snapped, only realizing how harsh her tone was when Josie jumped back in surprise.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be a bitch about it, but I don't have great experiences in the whole Romance department, either." Penelope moved down to the edge of the bed, running her hands through her hair. "I can't even admit to the girl I'm into that I like her." Josie audibly gasped, and Penelope turned her head towards the unexpected sound. "Penelope Park has a crush?" she exclaimed with excitement. "Who is it? Please tell me it's not Rose because I will seriously throw up on your boots." "No, it's not Rose.", Penelope swore, rolling her eyes at the accusation. "It's someone else- someone kind, and sweet, and a much better person than I'll ever be, or could ever dream to be." "Wow, she sounds awesome, Penelope.", Josie cooed, starry-eyed and smiling brightly. Do I know her? Maybe I can help you shoot your shot." Penelope shook her head, picking at imaginary pieces of lint on her shirt. "If only it was that simple.", she groaned. "But, well, the truth is I think she's into someone else. It's okay, though. She deserves much better than me, anyway." Josie was preparing to implore further, but the door to Josie's room swung open, and the petite blonde stepped in, the coat Penelope hadn't realized Josie had taken from her room yet folded neatly in her arms.

"Is this a bad time?", Jade asked with an awkward grimace. "I just wanted to return Josie's jacket. I can come back later." "No, it's okay.", Penelope answered, hopping off the brunette's bed. She walked up to Jade, taking the jacket from her arms. "I was just leaving anyway. And this, by the way, is mine." She turned back to Josie, a forced smile replacing the average smirk Josie was used to. "See you later, Josie.", she mumbled, walking out of the room and shutting the door firmly behind her. Josie turned her attention away from the door and back to Jade, who was shuffling awkwardly in front of Josie's bed. "I didn't mean to cause problems between you and Penelope.", Jade spoke remorsefully. "I knew I should have texted you instead of just dropping by, I-" "Hey", Josie whispered, stepping closer to Jade so that she could grab hold of the older girl's shaking hands. "You didn't do anything wrong. Penelope is just a naturally abrasive person; I wouldn't take it personally if I were you."

Jade still looked unconvinced, but Josie could tell she was much more relaxed now that it was just the two of them. "So, did you come here to return my jacket?", Josie encouraged, lacing her fingers with Jade's. "Or did you maybe want to talk to me about something else?" Jade swallowed hard, a light pink flush covering her cheeks. "I was supposed to see this movie with Wendy this weekend, but she has this thing with her coven and can't come.", Jade explained, her words rushed and tumbling over each other, as if she was fighting the words out. "Since you said you normally don't have weekend plans, I thought...maybe...you'd want to come with me?" Josie nodded, watching as Jade's shoulders relaxed with visible relief. "I would love to go with you, I just have to clear it with my dad." Jade's face lit up, her smile so broad that Josie could see the dimples in her cheeks. "Great, I'll see you Saturday then.", Jade stated cheerfully. "I'll drop by your room around 6:30 and we can walk to town together." "Sounds like a plan.", Josie replied before her tone took on a more playful tone. "Maybe you can even earn yourself another goodnight kiss." Jade's eyes widened, and she ducked her head down in embarrassment. Still, through a curtain of blonde hair, Josie could see that her statement had pleased Jade. "I have to go study now, but I'll see you Saturday.", Jade said, earning a confirming nod from Josie. Jade waved goodbye and was out the door as quickly as she had come.

Josie dropped onto the bed, sighing happily as she sunk into the pillows. Excitement bubbled inside her, flushing her cheeks and making the butterflies in her stomach fly wildly. Josie reached for her phone, eager to call Penelope and gush about her upcoming date, but her call went straight to voicemail. Josie became puzzled but tried to understand Penelope's point of view. She was probably still upset about being ejected from the room so abruptly, Josie figured. Josie would give her the space she wanted, and after that, they could apologize and it would be as if nothing ever happened. That was just the way they were, Josie knew. One of them would do something, the other would get upset, and then they'd make up for it. All Josie had to do was wait.

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