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Josie dreaded Tuesday to come, and when it did, Penelope was waiting for her as they entered the gym to spar. Josie walked past her without saying a word, grabbing a pair of gloves, and strapping them on her wrists. Penelope followed her, doing the same with a guilty look etched into her features. "Josie, I'm sorry.", she pleaded but was met with silence. "Please, just talk to me." "When I count to three, we start.", Josie mumbled, and Penelope sighed, bringing her fists up to cover her face. Josie started the countdown, not even bothering to say the third number before charging at the raven-haired girl. All of the frustration that Josie was holding onto during the weekend seemed to flow straight to her hands, making each jab and punch more accurate and a whole lot more powerful. For once, Penelope had a hard time keeping up with the angry brunette. Josie was focused, determined to take Penelope down. "Josie, I know you're pissed, okay? You have a right to be pissed.", Penelope stated, struggling to catch her breath before Josie went at her again. "Actually, you kinda don't, but I understand why you are. But it didn't mean anything, Josie; It was just for the sex." Her words only seemed to fuel Josie harder, and Penelope barely dodged a hit headed straight toward her nose. Penelope stepped back out of the way, leaning against the wall.

"Okay, Josie, I'm calling a time out here.", Penelope admitted, casting a barrier spell between her and the girl. Through the purple hues of the magic-induced boundary, Josie could see the genuine fear in Penelope's eyes. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?" Josie asked angrily, glaring at her over the boundary. "I wouldn't even be mad at you for sleeping with her if it wasn't for the fact that she put you in the infirmary, Penelope." Josie scoffed loudly, throwing her hands in the air. "You think no one cares about you in this school, but you're wrong! Because, goddammit Penelope, I fucking care, okay? I don't want to see you in bandages again because of her!" Josie looked around after the outburst, noticing that the rest of her classmates were staring at the two girls. Josie dropped her gaze downward, siphoning the magic out of the boundary spell so that she could leave the gym. Josie continued to run until she was out in the courtyard, catching her breath in the golden sunshine. Josie basked in the rays, calming her heartrate, failing to notice that another presence had joined her. She jumped, facing the blonde, who grasped her arm to keep Josie from falling over. Josie's gaze transferred from the hand of her arm to two piercing eyes, gazing upon her with concern.

"Woah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to alarm you.", the blonde said, letting go of Josie and folding her arms awkwardly across her torso. "I just saw how unsettled you looked, and I wanted to make sure you were alright. I'm Jade, by the way. I probably should have mentioned that." "I'm Josie.", the brunette said after she had regained her breath, gifting Jade with as bright a smile as she could muster, which Jade returned. "Thank you for your concern, but I'm alright." Jade swiveled to look back at the table she had come from, grinning when her seatmates answered her questioning eyes with curt nods. "My friends and I have space for one more.", Jade proposed, turning back to Josie. "Care to join us?"

Josie began to object, but she couldn't say no to the hopeful look on Jade's face. Josie nodded, and the girl brightened, taking Josie's hand in her own before leading her to the table. Josie faced the couple sitting on the bench, who looked up from their conversation to welcome Josie. "Guys, this is Josie.", Jade introduced warmly. "Josie, this is my best friend, Wendy, and her boyfriend, Diego." Josie and Jade sat down on the bench, entering a conversation about a video game that Josie had never heard of. She tuned out, expecting to be the quiet bystander to the conversation, but was pulled in moments later when Jade poked her shoulder. "What about you, Josie? What kind of hobbies do you have?" "Oh, me?" Josie asked, suddenly feeling small under their attentive gaze. "I don't have any hobbies." Jade and Wendy laughed, but it was too light-hearted for Josie to consider as an insult against her. "Everyone has hobbies, Josie. Diego here likes swimming, and Jade and I enjoy photography and video games.", Wendy explained, filing her nail down with a small nail file. "So, what do you enjoy doing?" Josie swallowed hard, shrugging. "I guess I like to sing, but I'm not very good at it." "Are you kidding? I remember hearing you sing in the talent show last year.", Diego admitted in a blunt but friendly voice. "You sounded amazing." "Well, some things we like to keep just for ourselves.", Jade said, squeezing Josie's hand. "I'd love to hear you sing sometime, Josie." Josie looked over at Jade, then down at their joined hands. Both Josie and Jade looked away shyly. Wendy and Diego shared a look, but Josie couldn't decipher what either of them was thinking.

"We should take Josie with us skating this weekend.", Wendy suggested as Diego nodded his agreement beside her. "Have you ever been?" "Once, with my sister.", Josie admitted. "It was a lot of fun, but my sister fell, and she promised never to go again." "Wendy, Josie probably has better things to do than hang out with us.", Jade spoke, her cheeks flushing pink. Josie objected to her statement, bringing all three people's attention to her. "No, I'd love to go with you guys. I just have to check with my dad." Jade sighed with relief, the smile that Josie was slowly beginning to grow accustomed to returning to her face. "Here, hand me your phone. I'll put our numbers in.", she said, and Josie handed it over willingly. Jade typed a few numbers into the phone before handing it back to Josie. As much as Josie enjoyed being around the group, she knew she had to return to class before the period ended. "I'm sorry, I have to go.", Josie admitted reluctantly, standing from the seat. "It was nice meeting you." Diego, Wendy, and Josie waved her goodbye, and Josie walked the long walk back to the gym, feeling a lot lighter. As she neared the gym, her phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out, reading the text on the screen:

I hope you have a better day, Josie. I know you just made mine - Jade xx

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