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"So, has Lizzie stopped being pissed at you yet?", Hope asked, scooting over so that Josie could join her and Landon on the bleachers. "No, and I don't think she intends to be.", Josie says with a disappointed frown. "In her eyes, being with Penelope is the biggest betrayal known to humanity. Both girls roll their eyes, while Landon keeps his focus on the game in front of them, waving a miniature flag. "That sucks- I thought she'd come around by now.", Hope states, and Josie simply shrugs. "It is what it is- she'll forgive me eventually; She's my twin, she has to." Josie looks up, her grimace turning to a grin as she waves Wendy and Diego over to them. The couple saunter over, greeting Josie before taking a seat in front of Josie and Hope. "I'm glad you guys could make it", Josie exclaims, earning a smile from Wendy. The girl seemed less energetic than normal, but not enough that Josie was overly worried. "Sorry we're late; We had to take care of something", Wendy admits, glancing over at Diego. "I'm sorry Jade and Inez didn't come; Jade just... isn't there yet with Penelope." Josie nodded her understanding. She knew that while her girlfriend and her ex-fling had somewhat of a truce between each other, there was still tension between the two. "No, I understand. I'm just glad you guys decided to come and support Penny.", Josie said with a weary smile. "She was really nervous this morning." "Speaking of Penelope.", Hope stated, cutting off their conversation and pointing at the field. "There goes your girl, Jo."

Josie's face lit up as she watched Penelope enter the field. She was dressed in a sports jersey in the Salvatore school's colors, checking the straps on her knee pads before jogging over to the rest of her teammates. When Penelope had first told Josie that Emma had suggested she join an extracurricular activity, she'd never guessed her sophisticated, feminal girlfriend would choose a sport as rough and dirty as soccer. However, since Penelope had joined the team Josie had seen a shift in the witch. Penelope seemed less burdened and melancholy, and she was slower to anger. It was harder to upset her, and Penelope was overall more content. She'd made friends with some of the witches on her team- ones who accepted not only Penelope but Josie as well. They were good people, and Josie was astounded how much therapy and a creative outlet had benefited Penelope. Which led them to this very moment- Penelope's first real, genuine game. "You got this, baby!", Josie yelled, catching Penelope's attention for a split second. Grinning, Penelope winked in her direction before jogging the rest of the way over to her team. Together, they gathered in a circle, chanting out their pregame mantra before breaking up into their respective places.

The representatives from each team step forward, meeting the referee in the middle of the field. The opposing team shouts out heads, and the referee throws the coin into the air. It lands in the ground, and the other team cheers before getting into position. The other 10 players of each team join their representative on the field, including Penelope, who is positioned right in the middle of their school's side of the field. Josie bites her lip anxiously; She's nervous for Penelope, but if her girlfriend has any fears they're not visible. Penelope looks calm, her sole focus on the ball and the other team's goal. The other team kicks off, and the game begins. Josie's sure that there's some kind of strategy the players are following, but from Josie's point of view they seem to simply be following the ball wherever it lands. Just before the other team is about to land the ball into the goalpost, Penelope swipes it away from the player's feet and starts running it to their goal. With one mighty kick, the ball flies past the distracted goalie and lands against the mesh net. Josie stands and cheers, and her friends clap right beside her. Pride shines in Penelope's eyes, and one of the older players high fives her for her great play.

Before Penelope had joined the soccer team, Josie had never seen a soccer game before. She didn't understand why everyone disregarded the sport, because from Josie's perspective the game was a lot more hardcore than people gave it credit for. As Penelope slid around the field, players crashed into one another, tripped over one another, and even knocked each other down. These were all accidents, of course, and the referee would pause the game to make sure the injured player was alright. Then, the cycle began again. When halftime came, Penelope jogged over to Josie and their friends, her forehead shining with perspiration. "Did you see me, baby?", Penelope exclaimed, taking a sip from the water bottle Josie offered her. "I made that goal; I fucking made it." "I saw, baby. You did great out there.", Josie praised her, smiling at her girlfriend's excitement. She leaned over just enough so that the people beside her couldn't hear. "Watching you out there is so hot.", she whispered into Penelope's ear, causing the girl's eyes to widen and her face to turn a deeper shade of red. "Well, thank you for providing the perfect distraction, babe.", Penelope joked, causing Josie to suppress an amused giggle. "I have to get back to my team, but we will finish this conversation later." Penelope left a chaste kiss against Josie's lips before returning to the field. Wendy glances over at Josie, giving her a knowing look; Josie looks away, praying that the witch hadn't heard what she'd said even though she was sure Wendy had.

Something had shifted between the two teams during the half time, because when they reentered the game there was tension in the air that wasn't present before. Penelope's team kicked off, and the second the ball was out of the center circle, one of the Salvatore school girls took control of the ball and began running it to the goalpost. The player passed it to Penelope, who was wide open to receiving the ball, but just before she could kick it past the goalie on of the opposing team's mates crashed into her, sending Penelope tumbling to the ground. The ref's whistle sounded, waving a flash of yellow in his hand. One of Penelope's teammates helps her up, asking Penelope something to which Penelope nods her head yes. The girl pats Penelope's shoulder in support, then returns to her position. The game resumes, but this time Penelope isn't even halfway down the field when Josie sees the opposing teammate jab Penelope in the side, kicking her leg out so that Penelope falls directly on her face. Josie stands up, ready to come to Penelope's aid, but Hope pulls her back down to her seat. "Not yet, Jo.", she mumbles, pointing to Penelope, who had already bounced back and was standing on her feet again. "Pen's not gonna give up the fight that easily. Give her a chance; She's got this."

With only a few minutes left on the clock, the opposing team performs the last kickoff, and Penelope charges toward the ball. Two of the opposing teammates flank her on both sides, but just before she goes down, she slides the ball past the opponent's feet and to her teammate. When Penelope goes down, it's a hard fall, but her teammate runs the ball down the field and kick it between the goalposts before the signal rings. Penelope had taken one for the team, and it had won them the game at her expense. Penelope stays on the ground for a moment, smiling broadly despite the pain in her tailbone. Josie rushes to her side, helping her girlfriend to her feet. "Are you okay? How bad is it? C'mon, we should go to the infirmary." "What? No, I'm fine! I feel fantastic- we won!", Penelope exclaims, bouncing on her heels excitedly. "And to celebrate, I am taking my beautiful girlfriend out to dinner." Josie rolled her eyes, slinking under Penelope's shoulder to help support the wobbly girl. "Sure, we can go anywhere you want- after we get an okay from the nurses.", Josie insisted, ignoring Penelope's pouting face. The last thing you need is a concussion." "You took a pretty hard fall there, Pen.", Hope added, supporting Penelope's other side. "I hate to admit it, but your girlfriend is right." Penelope chuckled, giving in to their demands. "Okay, okay.", Penelope relented with a sigh.

"God, I really gotta learn how to tell you no."


Josie's not one hundred percent certain, but she's pretty sure she will never get bored of having Penelope's lips on hers. Especially not like this, when both of them are in such a good mood, and everything seems right as it should be. Not when Penelope's hands are gently cupping her jaw, her fingertips dancing against her cheeks. Not when the room is so frigid, but they are warm inside Josie's bed; Penelope smells of Josie's body wash, and the scent blankets both of them in the smell of vanilla and coconut. Josie moans against Penelope's mouth, her heart rate speeding as Penelope's bare hands slip under her shirt and rest on her bare skin. Penelope is so warm and so comforting, and part of Josie wonders if this is the time she's been waiting for. Normally, they'd stop at this point before more can progress, but she doesn't want this intimacy with Penelope to end. So, she tests the waters, straddling Penelope, and reaching for the hem of her shirt. She can't even get it above her ribcage before Penelope stops her.

"Not yet, baby.", Penelope whispers, smiling at Josie, pushing a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I want it to be special; You deserve for it to be special." Josie pouts at Penelope, unsatisfied. "But this is special to me- because you're here. That's all I need, Penny." Penelope chuckles, resting her forehead against Josie's. "I just need you to be patient for a little longer, Jojo. I promise it won't be much longer.", Penelope pleads, melting Josie's irritation. "You can do that for me, can't you?" Josie sighs, nodding reluctantly. "I guess.", Josie agrees, earning a chaste kiss from Penelope. The action relaxes any tension left in her body. Josie rests her head in the crook of Penelope's neck, closing her eyes and listening in to the rhythmic beating of her heart. She could wait, Josie decided, because Penelope had asked her to. Besides, there was no rush; She wasn't going anywhere, and neither was Penelope. They had a whole lifetime in front of them. So, yes, Josie could wait.

They had all the time in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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