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Summer comes and goes all too fast for Josie's liking, and the first semester of Josie's junior year start in what feels like the blink of an eye. After three months of relaxation and spending time with her mother and sister, to say Josie dreaded going back to school was an understatement. The apprehension and panic only grew as her father pulled up to the Salvatore school, winding up the driveway and dropping the twins at the front door. Josie followed her sister to their bedroom, barely batting an eye once Lizzie dropped her things on the bed and dashed out of the door. Unlike Josie, Lizzie was buzzing with excitement at the prospect of a new school year, her thoughts concentrated on all the new possibilities that were in her future. Josie, however, could not enjoy a new beginning when she knew her heart was still stuck in the past. Summer had provided a good distraction for Josie, but now that she was back she had nothing to deflect her from her painful dilemmas and the people she had left behind.

"Hey", a voice called timidly from the doorway, stepping into the room cautiously. When Josie looked up, she did not expect what she saw. Jade had dyed her hair a deep brown color, and Josie could barely recognize the girl underneath. However, more importantly, Jade looked happier; A lot brighter than she had been before they had left for break. "I saw your dad pull up. I just wanted to see how you were doing." Josie forced a smile for the girl, opening her arms up to embrace Jade in a friendly hug. Jade accepted, pulling away after a few elongated moments. "I'm good- better, I think.", Josie lied, biting her tongue harshly to keep the truth from spilling out. "How's Inez?" Jade's face lit up at the mention of her girlfriend, and Josie was sure if she could, Jade would be blushing. "She's good- she went back to school last week, which kinda sucks. I don't see her as much right now, but we have a date this weekend." The way Jade smiles at the very mention of her girlfriend's name pains Josie, but she's unsure if it's from nostalgia or jealousy. However, she hides it with a smile. "That's great!", Josie exclaims, placing a hand on Jade's forearm. "I'm glad you found someone who makes you happy; You of all people deserve it." "Thanks.", Jade says, snapping out of her pleasant daydreams and into the present. "Hey, you want to go grab something from the cafeteria? I'm starving." Josie shrugs indifferently; She hadn't noticed it until just then, but her stomach was growling with hunger as well. "That sounds great", Josie agrees, placing her things down on her bed. "C'mon- we should go before the wolves get there- you know how territorial they can be."
"Jade! Josie! Welcome back!", Wendy hollered, scooting over to make room for the two girls. "You're just in time to see pictures of Diego and I's trip to Spain!" "As If I didn't see enough photos of you two all over Insta.", Jade quipped, rolling her eyes at her friends. "You only posted like three a day for a week." "As if you didn't do the same with Inez", Wendy retorted, pointing her finger at Jade accusingly. "I didn't know there were so many places to take pictures in an ice cream shop." The two began bickering back and forth, and Diego and Josie shared a mutually humored look. "You can tell they've missed each other when the first thing they do is break out into a fight.", Diego remarked, causing Josie to giggle earnestly. "Anyway, how was your summer Jos?" Josie shrugged, stabbing into her salad and swallowing hard, avoiding eye contact with the boy. "I stayed with my mom and stepdad all summer. I, uh...I couldn't be here." Diego quirked an eyebrow at the girl quizzically. "Couldn't be or didn't want to be?", he asked, answering his own question after Josie neglected to answer his question. Diego, sensing the sensitivity of the question, backed off, and for that Josie was grateful. She wasn't yet ready to talk openly about the dilemmas she'd done so much to avoid.

The cafeteria doors slammed open, and in walked the person Josie least wanted to see- Penelope Park. She seemed rejuvenated and refreshed from the summer, her face stone cold as she made her entrance. Behind her was her usual posse, unusually still and stoic from their positions. With a single snap, the witches dispersed to their table, allowing Penelope to walk alone. One of her observant, green eyes caught Josie's, and the smaller girl could see just a flicker of recognition in Penelope's eyes before she turned away sharply. With just a second's glance, Josie felt the familiar dejection and twinge in her chest, the suddenness of it all bringing tears to Josie's eyes. Jade placed a hand on Josie's arm, her expression distressed. "Are you okay?", she whispered, remembering very well how sore of a subject the raven-haired girl was for Josie. The girl in question, however, said nothing; She silently excused herself from the table, walking out of the cafeteria with as much grace and indifference that she could fake. As soon as she was out the doors, however, she raced down the hallway in a flash to the safety and comfort of her bedroom.

Josie slammed the door behind her, tears running freely down her cheeks. She hated how powerless Penelope made her feel- how her very presence made Josie feel like she was drowning in the very air she breathed. It was a terrible feeling, and Josie punched the wall in exasperation. The pain stung in her knuckles, but Josie couldn't bring herself to care. Leaning her head against the wall, she allowed herself time to let her breathing return to normal. She wiped the tears away from her face roughly; Letting Penelope get to her so easily was just yet another sign of Josie's weakness. If she was going to get through another year of being in Penelope's vicinity, she was going to have to have to be less soft for her; She was going to have to develop some kind of immunity to Penelope, and fast. Somehow, Josie was going to have to lay her feelings to rest.

It was then that Josie remembered that her sister had a very sharp pair of scissors; For fashionable emergencies, she claimed. Knowing that she had access to them, this gave Josie an idea. She couldn't change herself overnight- that was a daunting and impossible task. She could, however, change how she looked easily. It was a sort of a cliche to cut one's hair after a breakup, but Josie desperately needed a change. She unzipped her sister's suitcase, pulling the metal scissors out of Lizzie's sewing supplies. She snuck into the bathroom, studying herself in the mirror; When was the last time she'd had a haircut? Josie could not remember, and because of the fact that her hair nearly reached the middle of her back, she was most likely due for one. Josie took a lock of hair in her hands, running the scissor blade through it in a swift motion. The section of hair dropped to the floor in a clump, and Josie sighed with relief. The first cut had been the hardest, but after she had made it, there was no turning back. Josie ran the scissors through her hair multiple times until it just reached her neck, scrunching her nose up at the piles of hair on the floor. This cliche was right. With each snip, Josie felt lighter than air.

And as she rid herself of the extra tresses, it felt a little like she was ridding herself of Penelope, too.

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