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"Seriously Haechan stop!" Mark said breaking free of Haechan's grip, and pulling his hoodie sleeve down before he could see the name written on his wrist. The younger had been asking about his soulmate all day, it wasn't out of Haechan's nature to pester, but Mark was just confused about everything that happened last night. He honestly had no clue what to do he was feeling so many things at once.

"Sorry Mark." The younger replied with a tang of sadness voiced in his words. Haechan then stood up from the lunch table with his tray in his hands, and made his way out of the cafeteria.

Mark let out a long sigh, why did he feel so guilty?

Mark did the same thing short after Haechan, dumping his lunch tray and leaving the cafeteria, and started to make his way to his next class, that he had shared with the other.

Mark pushed open the door to his maths class and took his usual seat right next to Jaehyun.

"Mark are you alright? Something seems off." Jaehyun had said a few minutes into class, after noticing Mark's quite behavior.

Mark let out a small sigh, deciding that it was probably alright for Mark to tell Jaehyun about his issue. Mark rolled up his sleeve revealing the name on his wrist to the older.

Jaehyun let out a small gasp, he had always known that Haechan and Mark were close, but Jaehyun never expected them to be soulmates.

Mark quickly pulled down his sleeve.

"I really don't know what to Jaehyun, i'm so confused." Mark told the older nothing but clear worry ringing through his voice.

"Have you told Haechan yet?" Jaehyun asked the younger taking his eyes off the lesson
to focus on Mark. 

"I don't think I can, Jaehyun what if it was a mistake of some sort or-" Jaehyung cut the younger off. 

"listen Mark have you ever heard of there being a mistake with soulmates?" Mark shook his head no, and ran a hand through his hair.

"But if Haechan really was my soulmate, why wouldn't he tell me?" Surely Haechan would tell his best friend if he had gotten his soulmate, right? Mark took a quick glance a Haechan who was sitting at the front of the classroom next to Taeil.

"The same reason you won't tell Haechan, besides you know how shy Haechan can get." Jaehyun replied to Mark picking up his pencil and turning his attention back to the lesson.

"Seriously," Jaehyun went on after a small pause sounding more serious that before.

"Trust me just tell Haechan, everything will work out in the end." Jaehyun said trying his best to reassure the younger.

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