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Without saying anything, Mark rolled up his sleeve revealing the name on his sleeve.

Lee Donghyuk

Suddenly, it felt like a weight was lifted from Mark's chest. He had revealed the secret he had been trying to keep from the younger for days.

"Haechan, your my soulmate."

Mark said, his heart feeling like it would beat out of his chest.

"Oh... Mark i'm sorry your not my soulmate." Haechan told the older, panic beginning to raise in Mark. Mark quickly rolled up his sleeve and fought back a few tears, he should've known.

"I'm just kidding Mark, I just wish you would've told me sooner." Haechan said rolling up his sleeve to reveal a name.

Mark Lee

Relief washed over Mark, as he wrapped his arms around Haechan bringing the younger into a hug.

"I was just so afraid of losing you, I don't know what i'd do without you."

Mark mumbled to the younger shyly, resting his head on Haechan's shoulder.

"Your a lot dumber than I thought." The younger teased, poking Mark's side Mark let out a small squeal, to which Haechan followed with a laugh.

Mark had really missed Haechan the few days he hadn't talked to him, he was glad to finally have him back.

It felt like an entirety since they had actually sat down and talked to each other, Mark was really greatful for Jaehyun's advice.

"What are you thinking about?" Haechan asked bringing Mark out of his thoughts and back into reality.

"How much I missed you." Mark said meeting eyes with the younger, his heart melting under Haechan's gaze.

"Jeez Mark, it wasn't that long."

The younger said as their lips met, sharing a long awaited kiss.

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