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Mark had spent a lot of time thinking about what Jaehyun had said, it had already been a few days. The younger had started to ignore Haechan, he knew it was wrong.

Haechan hadn't done anything wrong, Mark was just so confused.

Mark knew Jaehyun was right, he usually was when it came to this type of stuff. However, Mark on the other hand was the exact opposite.

He hated talking about his feelings, he would much rather keep them bottled up then actually talk about how he was feeling.

Mark picked up his phone from beside him and opened his and Haechan's messages.



Mark is typing...

Haechannie☀️: Whats up mark? your never up this late is everything okay?

Mark: I can't sleep

Haechannie☀️: Do you want me to come over?

Mark: No sorry i woke you good night haechan






Mark let out a sigh shifting his gaze over to the clock on his wall. It was already 3am, he didn't realize how much time had passed since he first layed down at 9.

He was lying when he said he didn't want Haechan to come over, he really wanted Haechan's comfort. Then again, Haechan was also the reason why he was so confused.

Of course it wasn't the youngers fault, Mark knew that but-

Mark's thoughts were cut off by a small knock on his window. Already knowing who it was, with a sigh Mark pushed his curtains out of the way and proceeded and unlock his window.

"Haechan, I told you not to come i'm fine really." Mark said as Haechan crawled through the window and kicked his shoes off.

To which Haechan simply responded with a shurg, before crawling into Mark's bed, Mark following shortly after him.

Haechan swung his arm Mark and rested his head on his shoulder, causing Marks heart to beat uncontrollably.

Mark pushed Haechan's arm off of him.

Mark had felt that feeling with Haechan quite often, he never really understood what it is. However, The older was sure it wasn't something you were suppose to feel around your best friend.

A few minutes had passed before Haechan swung his arm back over Mark, Mark was going to brush it back off, but before he could he noticed something.

Haechan had gotten his soulmate.

Haechan, his best friend hadn't told Mark he had gotten his soulmate.

Mark was deep in thought before Haechan had finally broken the silence.

"Mark, you've been so distant with me lately." Haechan said choking back a sob, and pulling Mark closer to him his tears threatening to spill with every second that passed.

"If I did something wrong i'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you mad by asking about your soulmate. I won't ask you again I promise please just don't do this to me." The younger said as tears began to fall from his eyes.

Mark quickly flipped over to face Haechan wiping a few tears away from his eyes.

"I'm sorry Donghyuk... I just haven't felt like myself lately. I didn't mean to push you away." Mark said wrapping his arms around the younger, pulling him into a tight hug as Haechan sobbed into his shoulder.

Mark's heart ached, he hated seeing Haechan cry more than anything. It hurt worse knowing he was the reason Haechan was crying.

"Donghyuk I need to tell you something."

Mark had finally said after Haechan had calmed down a bit. Haechan had noticed how Mark called him by his real name indicating that it was something important.

"What is it?"

Haechan mumbled, his head still buried into Mark's chest. Mark let out a deep sigh, pulling Haechan closer to him. Jaehyun was right, he needed to tell Haechan, Haechan needed to know.

Mark had finally said after Haechan had calmed down a bit. Haechan had noticed how Mark called him by his real name indicating that it was something important.

Mark sighed once again, ruffling the youngers hair. he knows he should just tell Haechan here and now, but he was scared he didn't want to lose the younger.

Haechan was his world, he didn't know what he'd do without him.

Mark did have other friends, like Jaehyun, Taeyong, and even his older brother Johnny. None of them were like Haechan though, Haechan was different. Mark had known Haechan since he was 9 years old. Haechan had been through thick and thin with him, the younger had always been there for Mark.

Mark and Haechan knew everything about each other, Mark didn't want to ruin that. Haechan mean't too much to him. He didn't want whatever this soulmate thing was to ruin that.

However, he knew by acting so cold and distant towards Haechan he was hurting him. He hated that more than anything, he didn't want to hurt Haechan.

He needed to tell him, he was going to tell Haechan.

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