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Mark stared down at his wrist, eagerly awaiting for a name to appear on his wrist. Today was his 16th birthday, the day his soulmates name would appear on his wrist.

It felt like Mark had been waiting all his life for this one moment, well to be honest he had.

Ever since Mark had learnt the concept of soulmates from his mother at such a young age, he had been so eager to find out who his soulmate was and meet them.

However, the name that appeared on his wrist was the last thing that he was ever expecting.

Mark watched as each letter slowly began to form on his wrist, each letter curving and bending in it's own way.

He read the last name out loud "lee" was quite a common name.

But what mark was not expecting, was for the letter after e being d. What he wasn't expecting was for each letter after to continue to spell out his best friends name.

Mark ran his finger over each letter just to make sure he was reading it correctly.

"Lee Donghyuk, Lee Donghyuk." Mark said repeatedly still in denial over what had just happened. Panic immediately rose within his chest, this couldn't be happening could it?

Everything stopped around Mark, this felt way to surreal. Was Haechan really his soulmate, his best friend of 7 years?

Mark shook his head, and stared down at haechan's name one last time before laying his head down on his pillow, and facing his back to his bedroom door.

It was a lie to say Mark didn't find Haechan attractive, because he most certainly did. Everything from his smile, laugh even the way he constantly annoyed and teased Mark. To his little habits like the way he brushed his bangs out of his eyes, or the way he'd so casually touch Mark. Or the way Haechan would always cuddle Mark to comfort him.

But, Mark didn't have feelings for Haechan of course not, he was his best friend not his soulmate. But the name on his wrist was saying other wise, Haechan was his soulmate.

Marks thoughts where cut off by a sudden ding, indicating his phone had went off.

Mark reached over to his bedside table and unplugged his phone from the charger, checking the one new message from Haechan.



Haechannie☀️: happy bday markie did you get your soulmates name yet?

Mark: no not yet i'm sure i will soon :')

Haechannie☀️: okiee markie let me know when you do!!


It wasn't much of a big lie was it? Then why did Mark feel so guilty about lying to Haechan? His soulmate couldn't have been Haechan could it?

Suddenly, there was an ache in Mark's heart he couldn't explain.

Surely he would mention it if he had gotten his soulmate to him, of course he would they where best friends. What if there was some type mistake?

What if Haechan wasn't meant to be Mark's soulmate? Could mistakes even happen when soulmates are decided? To be honest, Mark didn't really know how soulmates worked, other than the fact your name appears on their wrist.

I mean how could you? The world works in mysterious ways, no one's really ever questioned how soulmates work. At least not publicly, there wasn't much information on it at all.

Mark had no clue what to do, maybe he should just tell Haechan that his name was on his wrist, that Haechan was his soulmate.

But how would Haechan react, what if Mark's name wasn't on Haechan's wrist? This was not how Mark was expecting his 16th birthday to go, he thought that at exactly 12:00am his soulmates name would appear, well it did but

He didn't even think about his soulmate being Haechan, he thought by now he'd be talking to Haechan about who is soulmate was, and how excited he was to meet them. He didn't expect Haechan to be that person.

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