02. Emotionally Confused

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Today is Tuesday and I already regret waking up this morning.

I barely had the energy to wake up, the only reason I actually got up is because my little sister, Haley, was annoying me.

Since I was supposed to be leaving for school in ten minutes I just put on the quickest outfit that I was able to.

It consisted of an oversized Harvard sweatshirt that I paired with a pair of denim ripped jeans and white slip on vans. I was too lazy to do my hair so I just brushed it up into a ponytail.

 I was too lazy to do my hair so I just brushed it up into a ponytail

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"Hanna, pay attention" My science teacher yells out

I jump in my seat from the sudden scare. I look up and notice that she's glaring at me.

Why does she hate me so much?

I roll my eyes as she goes back to teaching us about the earths tilt.

We're sophomores, why do we have to learn about something that we've been learning about since fifth grade.

"What crawled up her ass this morning?" Aurelia comments from beside me as she continues to scroll through her Instagram feed


She can purposely be on her phone but I cannot unintentionally daydream.

"The same thing that has been up there since the first day of school" I say lowly, hoping that she wouldn't hear it

Aurelia lets out a slight chuckle and puts her phone down. I notice her lean her chin on her closed fist and stare at the side of my face intently.

I continue to stare straight ahead of me, at the diagram on the bored, trying desperately to ignore my rapidly beating heart.

The longer I feel her mysterious grey eyes on my face the harder my heart begins to beat.

"I don't understand you" she finally says after staring at me for the longest time

I take this chance to look at her surprisingly calm facial expression.

"What are you talking about?" I ask her with a raised brow

She removes her chin from her closed fist and leans back in her chair, making sure to keep her full attention on my face.

"I can usually read people from their appearance and body posture" she says with a small smirk

"Yeah?" I reply encouraging her to continue as the teacher begins to talk about gravitational pulls

"Don't believe me?" She challenges as she points towards a random classmate in the front row

"She's an only child judging by her wardrobe, he parents spoil her but have enough control over her judging by the way she presents herself, and finally, someone has hurt her in some form of way which is why she's usually rude to most people" Aurelia finishes with an eyebrow raising

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