Chapter 16

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Marlene's p.o.v

I went to go check on Bebe. Her actual is name Roxi but we call her Bebe or princess. When we're in the house we call her Bebe but outside of the house we call her roxi
Me=BEBE! Come here
I say as I hear her
I look around and see that she's behind a bush
Me=what are you doing?
She saw me and started to bark and whine while jumping at me making me fall
Me=hi princess you missed me?
She licked my face
Me=wanna go inside?
I get up and she goes on her back legs and leans on me
Me=let's go inside with the boys yeah?
She barks
Me=let's go get Malcom
I walk while she runs inside to Malcom barking loudly. I close the back door
Malcom=noo! Princess stop!
He said while running away from her
Me=princess come here
Ruski=she's got hella names what the actual fuck
We all laugh she came to me
Me=go say sorry to Malcom
She walks to him and gives him her paw as a sign of forgiveness he takes it and she licks him
Me=go eat

Mariano's p.o.v

While she went to get Bebe we answered questions Malcom was next
Malcom=what's it like only having one girl the friend group?
Me=we have two other girls in the friend group but they don't hang out with us as much since they live a hour away from us but it's actually nice. She does weird stuff and explains why and then we get it why girls do certain stuff that looks odd. We understand how girls function sometimes depending on the scenario
Ruski=well I'm her brother so it doesn't bother me as much as it used to when she would hang out with us. She cooks for us, let's say we're watching a movie and one of us gets hungry she gets up and makes us all food even if we're not hungry. She'll make Mexican food or Argentinian food depends sometimes. She's just overall a great person for our friend group
Me=she's funny and sometimes people who aren't our friends think that one of us is dating her or we're all cousins. They mainly think that mar and I are siblings cause of our hair and eyes and our skin and they think ruski is our cousin and Malcom is our friend
Ruski=alright next quest-
He stopped once Bebe came in and started jumping crazy all over Malcom. He ran while she was chasing him and mar came in. She told Bebe to tell Malcom sorry and to eat, the she sat down.

Marlene's p.o.v

I sat back down after telling her to eat
Mar=we answered a question while you were gone
Me=alright who's next?
Ruski=my turn
He checks his phone
Ruski=how does it feel like to have a sister and friend be famous and get to go all around the world?
Malcom=it's fun!
He laughs
Mar=sometimes she takes us along the way with her sometimes. We pay for our tickets but she pays for the hotel or the house that we stay in. She mainly goes to the US, Canada, Europe, Mexico, Australia and sometimes Hawaii
Me=yeah I do, but I like to make sure my friends come experience the same great things I do. Like traveling and being exposed to a new environment. It shows them what I go through on a daily basis being model that travels. And sometimes I take them on tour with me
Ruski=I mean I go with her because we don't like to be separated for too long. We're each other's best friend and she has a lot of problems going on with her. But it's fun to go to new places and experience something I always wanted to
Malcom=I like traveling with them when she goes to model. We get to see how everything goes down and sometimes they have good food that they serve
We all laugh I took a bite out of my food
Me=you doing a quince or a 16? Who's part of the party, who's going btw I love you! Awww I love you too! But I'm not having a quince! I know it's a once in life time thing but honestly I rather save the money to give back to people. I'm going to make a party though this week. My friends are flying over to Canada for the party and I'm having a lot of fun things. It's a small party compared to what we were planning to do
Mar=we boutta partyyyyy!!
Malcom=boutta turn up!
Mar=alright next question
He said sipping his drink
Mar=why are y'all so fucking fine? Like damn
We all laugh
Me=I know I am
Malcom=no you're not
Me=says the one who wants a perm just to impress girls
I look at him
Me=yeah right
I pout my lip making him laugh
Mar=we all know it's me
Malcom=that's definitely cap
We laugh making mar mad
Me=I'm just kidding
Ruski=so you're calling him fine?
He says looking at me
Me=the last question is-
Malcom=I didn't even go
Me=shut up before I blur you out
Mar=do it you won't
I laugh making them laugh. I noticed we laugh a lot when we're together
Me=last question is did you and Luca break up? Btw you and Harvey are a cute couple!
We laugh
Me=Luca and I did break up, no hate towards him-
Malcom=*whispers*only shade
Ruski=we coming for you
Me=we had a rough relationship but it was memorable overall. Kinda wish we had a-
I got a phone call I check and it's Luca
Mar=who is-
He looks
Mar=oh, you going to answer?
Me=should I?
Ruski=tell em you doing a video right now
I answer the call
Me=I'm doing a video can I call you later like in 10 minutes?
I turn down the volume a bit
Luca=we cant talk right now?
Me=just give me a sec
Ruski=aye so what's up my man?
Me=not now ruski
I say backing him up since he started getting close to my phone
Mar=talking shit on the gram but asking to talk to her while crying? Pussy moves
Malcom=told you not to call or try to do anything with her
Me=let me wrap up the video
Ruski=I'll get your ass later send the addy
The boys laugh
Me=I'll call you later once I'm done
Luca=alright bye
I hang up
Me=basically I was saying I kinda wish we had a better relationship in the beginning we were happy and nothing was bothering us. But almost a year and like 4 months ago, I think I'm not not sure, but that's when things got into our way. As you guys saw the drama and videos and pictures umm... he started to do certain things with girls that he told me not to worry about. I would tell him to stop hanging out with those girls or to block them and he wouldn't but when I did that when he told me to do the same with my guy friends he would make it a big deal.
I look down and start to fidget with my phone
Me=he would yell at me, ignore me of course and just overall be so brutal about it. He changed when I started to do photo shoots in different countries and I would leave home for like almost 3 weeks. All the arguing and pain led to me having health problems. A year and 2 months ago I was told that I was depressed and then 2 months later I was told I had anxiety as well. Being depressed and having anxiety is the worst thing to ever happen to me. It's me wanting to be left alone but needing someone there with me to make me feel better. I've had 4 anxiety attacks in our relationship since they told me. I was just all over the place and I still am
Ruski put his hand on my cheek and wiped away my tears and hugged me I hugged back
Ruski=I'm sorry
He kissed my head and let go
Mar=if you're going through anything like this please reach out to someone and get the help you need. No one should go through stuff like this
He hugged me and I hugged back
Malcom=we've all went through something similar like she did but not as worse as what she went through. We've had days where we just sat there helping each other out and having our moments and we just let out everything
Mar let go and Malcom hugged me I hugged back
Malcom=*whispers*you're okay now I promise
I nod and he sat down
Me=he basically cheated on me so many times but I stayed thinking we could get through it together. If we could get through those moments I thought that nothing could stop us but apparently it didn't. It just hurts I trusted him so much and loved him so much just for it to stop. My brother, Malcom, Mar and Harvey have helped me through it all my friends have in a way. For right now it's good bye and hope you guys enjoyed this video. Reach out to people and get help!! Stay safe and be careful
Boys=see you later!
We all got up and left I turned off the light and camera. They helped me grab my stuff and put it in the closet by my room.
Malcom=wanna be with us?
Me=I'm going to talk to Luca
Ruski=you are?
I nod
Mar=yell if anything or text us his addy
I laugh
Me=alright tell princess to come upstairs
I go in my room and call Luca



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