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cyradavis lol chad and i

maxxmeyers ahahaha
maxxmeyers idk why i find this so funny lmaoo
cyradavis chad is sad 😞
everestemerson omg
everestemerson this is iconic lol
olivia.rodrigo lowkey kinda ship
cyradavis 😳
olivia.rodrigo chad probs doesn't do relationships tho
cyradavis 😤
olivia.rodrigo maybe u will be the one to finally make him settle down
cyradavis 👀
olivia.rodrigo a modern day love story
mattcornett yooo i wanna hang w chad
cyradavis that would end so badly
chadmiller stop making me look like a simp cyra
cyradavis lmao
chadmiller 🥵👀

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・✧

liv 💗
pls answer josh
he's being so goddamn annoying
i can't stand it anymore

ev 💜
i don't rlly want to

liv 💗
ur so annoying

ev 💜
i'm scared
of what he's going to say
and my feelings

liv 💗
u literally love him ??

ev 💜
i don't want to lose him

liv 💗
trust me
he's sticking around

ev 💜
he is ?

liv 💗
most definitely
and what's the point of anything
if u don't take chances
and i can guarantee that taking a chance on josh
is a good one

ev 💜
thank u liv

liv 💗
now go get ur man !!

ev 💜
ok ok

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・✧

hi, thank u for reading:) remember to vote and comment! since i've finished watching all the mcu movies, i don't know what to do w my life lmaoo. y'know when u finish a series and just feel empty haha. anyway i posted two chapters of my other joshua bassett book, never in a million years so go read ! -em

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