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"my hands are sweaty!" everest complained. she tried to remove her hand from josh's grasp, but he held it firm.

"they aren't sweaty!" he laughed. "i would tell you if they were!"

"i can feel it." she huffed, pouting.

"i feel like this is just an elaborate plan to stop holding my hand." josh said, smiling.

everest kissed his cheek, "do you know how long i've been waiting for this?"

"waiting to hold hands? because when we were little we held hands all the time. then you thought boys had germs and you wouldn't hold hands with me anymore." josh stared, looking at her.

"boys still have germs." she shuddered.

"i take insult."

"you should."

"i'm really happy."

"josh." she warned playfully. "you know i hate sappy stuff."

"let me be sappy for a moment everest."

she held her hand up in mock surrender, "okay okay. the floor is yours."

"i've dreamed of this for so long. and now i get to go on a date and hold your hand and kiss you."

"you don't get to kiss me. you have germs."

"everest" he groaned, "we were having a moment."

"you were having a moment." everest corrected. josh pretended to sulk. "i'm sorry continue, let's have a moment."

"my dream came true. and it's so surreal. i love you so much." josh smiled and stared into her eyes.

everest was going to start crying because of how sweet he was. this was why she hated sappy and romantically stuff. "i love you joshua. you're my dream come true."

he grinned and kissed her lips. "okay we can continue with our date. oh!" he pointed to a guy on the sidewalk, "he's playing the bongos with some buckets! let's go give him some money." he pulled her hand and skipped over.

god she was so head over heels for the curly headed boy.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・✧


liked by joshuatbassett, cyradavis, sofiawylie, and 110,639 others

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liked by joshuatbassett, cyradavis, sofiawylie, and 110,639 others

everestemerson when he doesn't tell u that ur hair is in the tree or that ur hands r sweaty 😤

joshuatbassett i'm sorry 🥺 i love u ❤️
everestemerson issok joshy 🥰
cyradavis y'all r weird
cyradavis but u cute 🤩
maxxmeyers this sickens me
everestemerson me or the relationship ?
maxxmeyers both
olivia.rodrigo i asked if u guys wanted to hang out and u left me on read 😤
everestemerson oopsie
mattcornett josh and i used to hold hands
everestemerson sucks for u
mattcornett i would say u look pretty but i don't want josh to come and beat me up 😳
joshuatbassett that's right matt
sofiawylie gorgeous 😩
everestemerson 😘

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・✧

thank u for reading. vote and comment pls :) all i do these days is eat, sleep, and watch gossip girl it's depressing :/ -em

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