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It's been almost a year since Tiffany died, the news of her death was a shock to everyone in the world, it became a headline in other countries and Sones all over the world prayed for her and honored her in their own ways, Girl's Generation was on a stand still for a while, everyone in SM were grieving, Tiffany Hwang is not just a K-Pop Idol,  she was more than that, she was a hard working person, a great friend, a supportive member, a reliable teammate, a wonderful daughter, a loving sister, a kind selfless person, a walking angel in short.

   She was beautiful inside and out, everyone took it hard but no one took it harder than her 8 sisters, especially her dear best friend and lover Taeyeon. She locked herself in the dorm and stayed in her room most of the time, the news was all about Tiffany's death, and in SNS it was also about her so she just grieved silently in her room.

    Taeyeon would constantly visit Tiffany's room and just lay in her bed, smelling Tiffany's scent calmed her down and made her feel safe.

   As time passed the news gradually died down and the girls resumed their career and lives, they stayed strong and continued on as a 7 member group, they released a new album, Taeyeon and Seohyun released a solo album, Hyoyeon and Sunny continued their radio hosting, Yuri is guesting and hostig in variety shows, Sooyoung and Yoona continued their acting careers. The girls won awards and in every award they received they would always include Tiffany's name and thank her.

    The girls would still tear up when asked about Tiffany but they made sure to smile and remember the good times with her. SNSD will never be the same again, but life goes on...


Taeyeon's POV

   "Hey Pany-ah....(sigh)..I just released my first full album yesterday...I missed you today again, I miss you every day....(kneels down)...How are you? Say hi to your mom for me okay? Hmmmm~....if you were here we'd be out driving and listening to the album and singing our hearts out...It's funny 'cause when I filmed the MV for the title track 'Fine' I actually almost cried on set was kinda embarrassing really...." I took a deep breath and looked at the her grave

Tiffany Hwang


A Loving Friend, Sister, Daughter

"Even if other people tell you otherwise, if you just believe in yourself, you can do everything..."

             She said that when we did a variety show a few years ago, it absolutely describes her and what she's been through; she's a tough mushroom that's for sure.       

          It's a simple engraving, the company built a small shrine for her where fans could pay their respects rather than come here, it's a private cemetery, I told Mr. Hwang that he could take her and bury her in the States with her mom but he declined the offer and said 'I  know Stephanie would want to stay here, she stayed here till the end, this is where she achieved her dream with all of you, made her own legacy and most importantly this is where she found you, her happiness is here, her happiness is you Taeyeon-ah.' I broke down when Mr. Hwang said that, I visit her almost every day and as promotions got more hectic I had trouble coming everyday but I made sure I would visit her once or twice every week.

        "Yeah so...I just wanted to talk to you...talking to you here calms me down and....being here makes me feel your presence and warmth, you did promise to be here when I visit your right?....anyways I'll play the title track and we'll listen to it we always do but in a different situation but's a kind of break-up song, about a girl who couldn't move on..." I take a deep breath and sat down near her grave..."But it kinda reminds me of you...anyways here it is..I hope you like it, then again you always said you'd love every song I sing so.."

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