기념일 (소녀 시대)

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No One's POV

     The next day it was former Sistar's Bora's turn to be interviewed, as usual Bora went to the SM Building and inside the white room where the PD started interviewing her. "You and Tiffany-ssi are best friend right? But you're in different groups how'd you two became friends?" "We met through Sunny, I was first friends with Sunny and one day she told me that she'd introduce me to Tiffany since she thinks we'll get along great so she did and Tiffany and I clicked right away, after that we'd go hang out together with Sunny and go shopping and just have fun. When we meet each other at Music Shows we greet each other and our groups and all group friends and acquainted with each other so we all get along fine, even their manager treat me as if I'm one of them since they know how close we all are." Bora said.

       They went to different restaurants, and near the end they went to this small hidden garden, it was where Bora and Tiffany used to hang out and just relax after a long and tiring day, they first discovered it when they were just walking around and they saw a small clearing.

         In the end the staff showed her Tiffany's video message for her and she also cried like crazy, "Bora!! By the time you're seeing this I'm probably gone now....I just wanna say thank you for everything, for accompanying me, for always making me laugh, for being patient with me, thank you for being my friend. Thank you for all those times that you made me laugh when I was feeling so down about myself, for always being there for me and for all the wonderful memories that we shared. I'm sorry for not telling you about my situation, I know you're mad at me for it it's just that I didn't want you to worry about me, since your busy with your promotions and comeback, I'm really sorry. I bet you're crying right now aren't you? Hahahah! Just kidding, Good luck on your career! And always remember to take care of yourself okay! Eat healthy foods and exercise! Oh! And could you please check on Taeyeon and te other girls for me every once in a while okay? Just to make sure they're okay, thanks! I'll always be watching over you from where I am! Take care always, Love you lots‼!!"

        After that Bora cried like a baby and the, whole crew were I tears as well, they stayed there for a solid 30 more minutes since they were all tired physically from the taping and emotionally.

The Next Day.........

        Two more days to go before Tiffany's death anniversary, and today it was SNSD's turn to be interviewed and as expected they all arrived early. Everyone was there except for Taeyeon who a concert in Bangkok and won't be back until the night before Tiffany's death anniversary.

       The girls all have a look of mixed emotions from feeling uneasy, worried, sad, excited, and nervous and scared all at the same time. They were seated in a semi-circle and the PD asked them "Who was Tiffany for Girl's Generation?" the girls looked a bit gloomy but then regained their composure since this supposed to be a show to honor remember Tiffany, besides Tiffany wouldn't want them to be sad when talking or thinking about her. "Tiffany is the reason behind SNSD's smile and energy, she always finds a way to cheer us up, she's also SNSD's someone who takes care of all of us, and she's always there to support us in our projects and solo activities. You could say in a way she's like SNSD's mother or big sister figure since she always keeps track of our individual schedules making sure we get there on time, she's the one who does the head count during our flights, she's good at pointing our mistakes during rehearsals since she's memorized everything, and she always puts us all first before herself." Sooyoung, said while trying hard not to cry, some of the girls were already teary-eyed, "She's also SNSD's personal alarm and siren since she has such a loud voice!" said Sunny and the girls and staff laughed "Not to mention she's also the Pink Monster or more like the Pink Piggy of SNSD!" said Yoona, they all laughed at that and in some way the mood got a lot better.

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