New Start

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In time the girls eventually had to go their separate ways but their friendship and the memories they shared will always be remembered and treasured, the road they took might have been full of hardships but the joy that they brought to their fans, the people they inspired and the chance to share their love and passion for music were enough to keep them going for a long time. They fought hard to stay together through the years and although to the public and to other people it may seem that their bond is slowly breaking but to the girls their bond will forever stay alive.

'In life, we are tested by major changes, delayed promises, impossible problems, unanswered prayers, undeserved criticisms and even senseless tragedies.' –Tiffany

'Happiness is doubled when you share them together, and sadness halved when you share them together.' -Yoona

People might forget them but no one could deny they were and will always be one of the most iconic Girl Groups in the world. The girls achieved the dream they created together, and now they are pursuing a dream they want for themselves, some decided to have a family, some want to focus on acting, some decided to pursue modeling and hosting careers and some decided to continue creating music. No matter what they choose they will always support each other. For them 'SNSD' isn't just a group nor a dream they once had, but rather SNSD is a family they created, a place where each one of them could be themselves and seek comfort, SNSD is where they considered home.

'They say when you fall, someone who loves you will lend a hand for you, I have 8 pairs of hands always ready to lend a hand when I stumble and fall.' –Jessica

'Nine people, who are very different from each other, have now become one.' –Sooyoung

'Every single member is so precious to me and like family to me. I may joke around with a lot but I cant talk seriously with them because its awkward but on the inside I really do think of each one of you so much and I want you to know that.' –Hyoyeon

'I don't think Girl's Generation will ever be broken apart, even after so many years.' –Taeyeon








Somewhere in the far future......




"Steph!! Wait for me!" a girl wearing a shirt, pants and snickers yelled out to her friend. "Hurry Erika! I wanna sit under the tree on the top of the hill!" said the girl wearing a pink dress and carrying a pink teddy bear.

"Sigh, we're here! Look Erika the view is beautiful!" said the girl named Stephanie while showing a beautiful eye-smile to her best friend Erika.

"Okay, okay....calm down Stephanie, I have to catch y breath you know I'm not very good when it comes to physical activities." said the little girl who is breathing and sweating heavily.

After Erika finished catching her breath she looked at her best friend who was smiling at the view, she smiled at the sight and slowly made her way beside her. "Hmm? Is there something on my face?" asked Stephanie, "No, it's just you look really pretty." Erika said which made Stephanie blush and hide her face.

The two best friends sat under the huge tree overlooking a beautiful view of the valley, Stephanie leaned her head on Erika's shoulder and Erika entwined her hands with Stephanie.

"Hey Steph can I tell you something? I've been having these really weird dreams."

"Hmm? Actually I have too, it's about this girl who looks a lot like me, and she's with this girl who coincidentally looks similar to you."

"Me too! In the dream I could see my other self with a lot of other girls and they were in some kind of group and they were singing and dancing, but she was always protective with a girl that looks like you."

"Hmm the me in my dream would always be touchy and clingy with you."

"During the past few days though my dreams were getting very depressing I could see me always crying but I don't why.... And last night I finally found out, she was standing in a cemetery last night and looking at a grave with the picture of her and the girl that looks like you."

"I had the same dream, the one who looks like me is crying while looking at you breaking down."

"Hmm I guess we had a really rough past life eh?...I know how she feels, I would cry every night if that happened to you, I could never imagine life without you.."

"Hey, I would never leave you, you know that right? Besides maybe they're trying to tell us something so we don't make the same mistake twice?"

"Hmmm maybe...."



"That dream made me realize something..."

"hmmm? What?"

"I think I love you, I mean in a romantic way."

Then there was a long silence so Erika became worried that she might have ruined her friendship with the girl she loves the most.

"It-It's ok-okay if you don't feel the sa-same way, I m-mean we could always stay best friends! I m-mean jus for-forget about it ok-"

Erika was cut off by a pair of lips kissing hers.

"I love you too Boo." Stephanie said while showing her eye-smile to her best friend and soon to be lover.

Erika smiled and held Stephanie's cheek with one hand, "Boo huh? Is that our new nicknames now?"

"Yeah, it just sort of came to me out of nowhere I guess."

"I like it. No, I love it, I love you." Erika said then kissed Stephanie again.

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