Would you still Love me

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No One's POV

           It was already 2018 and the Girls were all still together but since all of them already has their own things group promotions were getting less and less but nonetheless their bond still strong.

         On days when they're free they would go visit each other on the dorms, on their houses, on set or just meet for coffee and catch up. Amidst their busy schedules they would still find time to visit their mushroom every few months or in Taeyeon's case, once every week or every other week. The Girls slowly moved on but they never once forgot their precious mushroom.

         Taeyeon had a hard time but slowly she accepted it but her love for Tiffany never faded, a lot of other idols tried to court her both guys and girls alike but Taeyeon politely declined them all, her heart never stopped loving her.

       At the dorm:

       Taeyeon stretched her body, she had been travelling trying to keep herself busy, she just got back from Europe and she was free for the next three days. She was in her room looking at the ceiling and deep in thought..

Taeyeon's POV

     Hmm what am I gonna do for the next three days, I mean I like having a short vacation after a hectic schedule but then again it's kinda boring and I can't go home since Oppa's in the States and Hayeon's busy with training, while Amma and Appa went on a trip so no one's back home... I yawn and decided to go to the kitchen since I'm feeling hungry, as I was heading to the kitchen I see Sunkyo in the lobby watching TV and we both exchange greetings and I get a bowl and cereal and plop down next to her.

"Good to see you back, so how's Europe?" she asks, I just shrug and tell it was okay, "Hmm what can you recommend I do for the next three days? I'm already bored and the day hasn't even started yet." I say to her.

     She laughs at me then says "You know you can always go out and hang out? Go to clubs?" I look at her like she's crazy and tell her "You know I don't like clubs, and besides I'm too lazy to go out." She rolls her eyes at me I just stick my tongue out at her "You can go visit her?" she says "I am, actually I'm going to her this afternoon, wanna join me?" I ask her.

"I'd love to but I have a radio guesting later and I'll be home at around 2 or 3 in the morning so.." I nod at her and we continue to watch TV, occasionally annoying each other.

       Sunkyo left after lunch since she had schedule so I'm alone in the dorm, I was laying on my bed after a long hot bath and suddenly Sooyoung is calling me, I answered my phone "Taeee!! Are you there in the dorm? Are you busy? Can I ask you a favor?!" I told her to calm down and told her I'm at the dorm and that I'm not busy, "Good! Can you come here at the Breast Cancer Charity Concert with me? Yuri was supposed to be with me but she had a last minute schedule so I have no one and I promised that I'd come with at least one other member?!" I told her I'd love to accompany her, I was on my way when Sooyoung suddenly messaged me that I had to sing something for the cancer patients, I was a little mad at her for not informing me earlier but then there's nothing I could do so I just told her I would.

        When I arrived there were a lot of people there and since it was a hospital some memories rushed back to me, but I accepted it so it wasn't as painful. When we bother arrived on stage the fans were all screaming and the host started interviewing us.

I let Soo answer for the most part but the host noticed that I was a little too quiet so he asked me a question that me freeze for a moment, "Ohh you're awfully quiet Taeyeon-sshi, hmm didn't Tiffany had some sort of cancer? are you okay with coming here?" he said, I wanted to kick him for being insensitive but I composed myself and smiled at Soo trying to tell her it was fine, "Yeh s-she did, to be honest I did accept the fact that she's gone but it's still painful, you know? I mean she was a really a dear person to all of us so yes going here did bring back some memories but this sis for a cause so I'm happy to be here to spread awareness about cancer." I told him, the fans cheered for me, Soo squeezed my shoulder.

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