Chapter 5

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"What is this new fiasco for, Ms. Chatterjee?", Adhyayan spoke angrily trying to maintain a calmer tone as Anvesha glared at him with her icy blue eyes. 

Anvesha was beyond irritated and embarrassed at the turn of events. She didn't want to ruin the reputation of the arrogant chef and his restaurant so she had chosen not to react during the video. Apart from that, she was also not interested in creating a controversial video however, the dessert deserved the poorest reviews. She couldn't imagine in her wildest dreams that Mr. Haughty Shoes could serve the pathetic dessert. She was sure the arrogant chef had planned this prank for her. 

"Really, Mr. Joshi? Don't you know?", Anvesha bombarded angrily looking at him with disgust. She had made up her mind that Mr. Haughty Shoes pranked her with the disgusting dessert just because of the fact he did not want Anvesha to shoot her vlog at his posh restaurant.

Praveen, the manager was beyond shocked. The visitors in the restaurant were dumbstruck. The staff of the restaurant trembled at the turn of events. However, no one could understand the actual matter.  

"Ms. Chatterjee, what is happening?", Adhyayan asked in a calmer tone. Scratching the back of his neck, he glared with his dark brown eyes intimidating Anvesha. Obviously, he could not understand the actual reason of the outburst of the bubbly girl who was flaunting admirable gestures few moments ago. He was angry at the drama that was being created in his restaurant.

"Is this how a cheesecake is made?", Anvesha said as she folded her hands. Her button-like nose flared up in anger.

"It doesn't seem that you disliked it, madam", Adhyayan said glaring at her. He smirked as he continued, "Your gestures in your video exhibited that you are enjoying it".

Anvesha was exasperated at the sight. She was frustrated to find Mr. Haughty Shoes smirking after playing a ridiculous prank with her. She wanted to wipe off that smirk from his face. 

"It was the worst; the worst dessert I had ever eaten." Anvesha said stomping her feet on the ground. Adhyayan could not help but chuckle to see annoyed Anvesha reacting like a five year old. However, he lost his cool when he heard Anvesha shouting at him. 

"Is it even a dessert, goddammit?", this statement by Anvesha triggered his anger. 

"Have you ever entered in your kitchen?", Adhyayan retorted angrily in a louder tone matching her shrill pitch. "How come you have the audacity to say like this?", he asked her trying hard to maintain his calmness unaware of the fact that the dessert did not deserve to be called as a dessert in reality. 

"I might have not entered the kitchen. I might not be a celebrated cook but I have surely eaten food." Anvesha said shoving her finger towards his face. 

Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she retorted back, "With my experience, I can say, your dessert was pathetic", as she glared towards him icy blue eyes. 

"What's wrong with it, Ms. Chatterjee?", Adhyayan said getting exasperated at her gestures. He definitely wanted to call the security guards and throw her out of the place. Angry beyond anything, Adhyayan tried to maintain his composure since the irritating beauty standing before him was a mediaperson.  

"Taste it, you will get to know by yourself", Anvesha said smirking at him as she offered the platter of cheesecake towards him. She wondered that Mr. Haughty Shoes would not even dare taking a bite of his so-called dessert. 

"Mr. Manager, get my bill", Anvesha said looking at Praveen who was looking down at the floor. Adhyayan, who was about to taste the dessert stopped in his tracks as he looked towards Praveen amusingly.

"Madam, it is not needed", Praveen said as a matter of fact. Since she reviewed the restaurant in her vlog and her video was expected to increase the number of customers, Adhyayan had instructed Praveen to ensure that the meals remain complimentary for Ms. Anvesha Chatterjee. 

"I don't want any charity, Mr. Praveen Sharma." Anvesha said glaring at the manager who trembled under her cold stare. "I want the bill right now", Anvesha said glaring at Adhyayan who was standing in front of her with his hands folded at his back. Adhyayan gestured his manager Praveen to get the bills.

"Mr. Joshi, your prank is indecent", said Anvesha coming back to the topic.

She smirked incredulously realizing that Mr. Haughty Shoes hadn't touched the dessert. 

"This is no prank", Adhyayan said calmly as he cut the pick of the dessert while Anvesha looked at him disbelievingly.  

"Ah! Really. Then, taste the dessert", Anvesha said squinting her icy blue eyes towards him. Everyone in the restaurant were watching the actions of both Adhyayan and Anvesha curiously.

"I will. I will do that, definitely." Adhyayan said as he took the bite of the delicious looking colorful cheesecake that was alluring enough to make everyone enjoy its scrumptious taste. 

Adhyayan expected the dessert to be mouthwatering but little did he knew, Anvesha was right regarding the delicious looking cheesecake.

As soon as he took the bite, he spat the cake. He gave a murderous glare towards the restaurant's kitchen and all his subordinates trembled unknowingly. Taking a deep breath, he screamed, "What the hell is this? Who cooked it?".

In the meanwhile, Praveen came with the bill and Anvesha shoved her hand inside her sling bag and took out five thousand bucks. 

Praveen looked towards his boss shockingly as he heard him screaming, "Who adds salt in the cheesecake instead of sugar?" Adhyayan was beyond angry at the blunder his staff had committed. Never in his wildest dreams could he imagine that the cheesecake which was expected to contain a cup of refined sugar actually had salt in equal quantity.

Analyzing the salty taste of the cheesecake, Adhyayan mumbled, "I don't know how that poor girl ate it even for her video". 

Everyone was dumbstruck realizing that delicious looking cheesecake was actually salty one! Anvesha pitied upon Adhyayan realizing it was not his prank but mistake of one of his subordinates who had mistakenly added salt in the cheesecake instead of sugar. Anvesha expected Adhyayan to apologize who was screaming at his workers. 

Fuming in anger because Adhyayan did not apologize to her, Anvesha moved out of the restaurant when Adhyayan realized he must apologize to her for the inconvenience caused and thank her for giving good reviews to his restaurant.

Before Adhyayan could apologize to her and express gratitude, Ms. Anvesha Chatterjee had already left the place!


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