Chapter 34

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Anvesha was sitting in the Shatabdi Express, lost in her thoughts as the train moved towards Dehradun. Her team was accompanying her but she was craving for Adhyayan, the love of her life.

Since past week, Adhyayan had sent her plenty of messages apologizing her for his deplorable behavior but she had not replied to him. He wanted space and she was giving him the much-needed space and a break. She sighed as she tried to think about something else.

Anvesha was indeed waiting anxiously to meet the retired brigadier Hariprakash Joshi who had endangered his life several times on the Indo-China border. The defense expert had an authoritative aura, that’s all Anvesha had read about him.

Initially Anvesha was annoyed when the officer had denied to come on the show though he had not refused for the interview. The indication had been clear, she and her team, were required to visit Dehradun.

She was indeed excited to visit the hometown of her so-called boyfriend. She sighed at the thought of Adhyayan and wondered how could a nasty relationship with a girl impact his life so terribly but little did she know that there was more to it.

Sitting in the train, as it halted at a junction, Anvesha remembered how Adhyayan had denied to join her. She knew Adhyayan belonged to Dehradun and was excited to meet his family, especially his sister whom he talked about a lot. But the clear cut denial of Adhyayan had left her disappointed. She was annoyed at their first quarrel in six months of their relationship. She realized time had flown too fast. She smiled remembering their dates, trip to Alwar, her confession at his place and plentiful of outings at the weekends. She had admired at his choices when he had told her to visit several reputed restaurants for the episodes of her vlog.

Soon her smile turned into a frown as she remembered their altercation. She was surely missing him but at the same time, her ego was not letting her call him or reply him back. In fact, Adhyayan had been unnecessary rude to her, she had concluded which was indeed a truth.

Adhyayan, on the other hand, was aghast and disappointed at Anvesha as she was going to the place he never wanted her to go. However, he was helpless as he could not stop her especially when it was related to her work. He knew he was wrong but he could not help it. He knew he had reacted very awfully with her but he had no option. With anger boiling in him, the celebrity chef was shouting terribly on his employees who were dreading his illogical anger.

Anvesha slept all the while in the journey and was nudged by one of her teammates when they reached the station. She sighed stretching her arms as she suppressed her yawn at midnight when her teammate Ashita said, “Ma’am, we have reached”.

Anvesha nodded as she picked her luggage and looked at Manish, the cameraman who was looking groggily at both of them and his funny expressions brought a smile on the faces of both of the girls.

As soon as they came out of the railway station, they felt a chilly sensation due to the cool breeze blowing in midnight. The weather seemed to be pleasant. The trio headed towards the cab arranged by the hotel and led towards their accommodation.

Next morning, Anvesha was looking forward to visit the retired brigadier of the Indian Army at his residence at one of the posh societies of the city followed by a trip to the Queen of Hills, Mussoorie.

Being from Darjeeling, Anvesha was not really excited to see the beauty of the mountains especially when she was dealing with a nasty altercation with Adhyayan but her teammates, both Manish and Ashita, hailing from Delhi were much excited to enjoy their escapade in the lap of nature.

Ashita and Anvesha were sharing a room. After their beauty sleep, both the girls freshened themselves and dressed into their professional attire as they were meeting the defence expert in the morning after the breakfast. Clad in a black cotton shirt and off-white trousers, Anvesha was looking stunning. She just smiled when Ashita complimented her mumbling a ‘thank you’.

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