Chapter 19

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Realizing the fact that Anvesha was calling him constantly, after freshening up and making up his mind, Adhyayan called Anvesha. In the meanwhile, he was not at all hungry, yet he realized, sleeping empty stomach is not good for health.

As the celebrity chef was health conscious, he quickly went to the kitchen to make porridge for himself.
As soon as he called, Anvesha received the phone and took a deep breath calming herself. Her worries mitigated a bit.

Speaking in a soothing voice, she asked immediately, “What happened Adhyayan?”

“Nothing. I am okay and good night”, Adhyayan said immediately and was going to disconnect the phone when Anvesha retorted back.

“Oh! I am glad to know that you are okay. Actually you are an idiot. Do you even know that we got worried?” Anvesha screamed loudly as she huffed getting irritated at her idiot man who proposed her a month ago.

“We? Anvesha, for god’s sake, don’t be melodramatic. I am actually worried about something. Bye.” Getting pissed, Adhyayan said getting irritating at her.

He wondered why the independent girl who talks about privacy, personal space and integrity cannot give him the space he needed for now. Adhyayan was beyond annoyed at the ‘clingy’ Anvesha.

“Whoa! Mr. Haughty Shoes, please calm down. I am not being melodramatic like the clingy girlfriends for god’s sake, I was worried when Praveen called me.” Anvesha screamed on the phone while Adhyayan jumped for once hearing her shrill pitch almost blasting off the speaker of his phone.

“Praveen?” Adhyayan questioned. He wondered that innocent manager was too good. Praveen seemed to be friendly and since almost a month he was getting on friendly terms with his boss. Adhyayan felt lucky to have such a good manager.

“That poor guy was so worried. Praveen wanted to send one of your employees at your place to keep a check on the irresponsible child in you who left his work abruptly with a pale face. You miser man! You can’t even appoint two managers at your restaurant so that Praveen could have come. He was too upset otherwise, I seriously give a damn for you and your life.” Anvesha screamed at the top of her lungs.

This time she disconnected the call and texted Praveen,
Your boss is fine. He called me.

Adhyayan smiled on the other side wondering how his ‘furious cat’ can hear his unsaid words. He called her back and she disconnected the call. This thing continued for a while and Adhyayan’s porridge was cooked. He chuckled and took his plate to eat his food and continued to call.

Finally, Anvesha received Adhyayan’s call once her anger had subsided.

“Yes”, she said.

“Look, Anvesha. I am sorry. I did not know that you and Praveen were worried. I am actually stupid and idiot. I am your Mr. Haughty Shoes too. Now please forget it. Don’t worry and sleep well.” Adhyayan said sheepishly trying to calm down his ‘furious cat’.

He knew Anvesha was an independent girl and she valued her self-respect, so he realized apologizing was necessary, after all he had hurt her.

“Okay, good night”, Anvesha said calmly closing her icy blue eyes for once and was about to disconnect the call when, Adhyayan said, “Anvesha, I need to share something”.

Adhyayan wanted a friend to share his turmoil and sorrows. He knew Anvesha could not help him. He did not expect her to support his decision. He realized that practical Anvesha would perhaps cut her contacts with him and they would not talk or may be, meet, any further. He knew without any status, he was good for nothing and hence, he was sure once his reputation is ruined and he goes to court, Anvesha would surely not like to stay in touch with him.

“What happened, Adhyayan?” Anvesha asked as she sat on her bed crossing her legs. She wondered today, Adhyayan was opening up with her for the first time.

Taking a deep breath, Adhyayan narrated everything, his problems and his encounter with the corrupt food inspector, Mr. Kamlesh Kaushik. He told how that official had blackmailed him. He accepted the fact that he was upset and helpless. He purposely did not tell Anvesha about his plans of taking him to the court of law because he wanted to know her viewpoints and opinions.

“Adhyayan, I have an idea”, Anvesha said excitedly as she grasped everything. She was beyond, disgusted and annoyed at the food inspector. She wondered because of some idiotic and corrupt government officers, all the officers are blamed.

“What?” Adhyayan enquired as he cleaned the dishes uninterestingly participating in the conversation.

He wondered perhaps, she would also suggest him to pay the bribe but little did he know, Anvesha brought light of hope in his dark situation.

Anvesha said, “See, Adhyayan, you will go tomorrow to the temple with money, then ………”.

Adhyayan lost his cool for once. After his advocate’s suggestion, he was least interested upon hearing the same thing, that too, from his girlfriend. Before she could speak further, the angry Adhyayan interrupted her and said, “That’s my personal matter. I will manage. I am not bribing anyone.”

“Idiot, stop it and listen”, Anvesha said. She was beyond angry at the impulsiveness of mysterious Mr. Haughty Shoes.

Anvesha continued narrating her complete plan involving both media and CBI officers. This time, Adhyayan listened to her calmly without interrupting things even at once. He smiled listening to her and realized both of them had similar opinions and hence, it was indeed, not wrong to give themselves a chance.

“This is awesome, Anvesha, but how will we persuade CBI officers?” Adhyayan said as a matter of fact. He wondered he had no contact, no friend, and no acquaintance, absolutely nobody.

Anvesha smiled on the other side of the call as she said, “Adhyayan, my brother’s friend is appointed in the Central Bureau of Investigation and he is posted in Delhi. I met him last week. So this won’t be a problem. Media is also not a problem as long as we have Nikhil. I will be there too. Don’t worry everything will be fine.”

Adhyayan smiled widely as he found hopes to get justice. Thanking her profusely, they chit-chatted for a while and retired to the bed. They both knew what they had to do the next morning and they were prepared to teach the cunning food inspector a lesson for lifetime. With a plethora of thoughts running in their minds, both Adhyayan and Anvesha slept.


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P. S do have a look at Love and Redemption too. ♥️♥️
Also I have undertaken a 30 Day Writing Challenge to write about myself, do check it and share your views!!! 😘😘😘😘
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