Chapter 24

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I screamed. I opened my eyes and realised that I wasn't hurt. What? I looked around me to see who the victim of that gunshot was. "Oh my God, Matteo," I gasped as I rushed towards him. He's bleeding. His chest is bleeding. Oh my freaking God.

The bodyguards seized the shooter and pinned him on the ground. I realised who the shooter was at that instant. It was Derek Sherwood. He wasn't aiming at me. He was aiming at Matteo. He hollered, "Lexie! Oh my God, help—"

"Shut up, you monster!" I shouted. I turned my attention back to my bleeding boyfriend and muttered, "Oh my God, this is so bad." He was shot slightly below his left clavicle. Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. He's going to die and it's all my fault.

I shouldn't have come to Manhattan. I shouldn't have become Matteo's friend. I shouldn't have become Matteo's girlfriend. I shouldn't have agreed to come here tonight. If it weren't for me, Matteo will be alright right now.

"Hey, it's okay," he muttered. "I'm fine. I just got shot—"

"In the chest!" I hollered. I took out a packet of tissue from my purse and emptied its contents. I pressed all the tissue I had on his wound to stop the bleeding. I'm so lucky to have first-aid training but I don't have a freaking first-aid kit!

"Oh my fucking God, Matteo!" Alfred gasped in horror as he rushed to his best friend's side. "What on earth happened?"

"How is he?" Dr Knight hollered as he came downstairs with a first-aid kit. He dressed Matteo's wound and said, "It's not that bad. I don't think the bullet hit any vital organs but I still have to take him to a hospital. Devon Grey is too far."

"That's what I said," Matteo laughed.

"Shut up," I replied. "You're dying and it's not funny."

He winced in pain and I stroke his hair. This is all my fault. He's suffering because of me. Seething with anger, I walked over to Derek and slapped him. "What is wrong with you? Why would you do something like this? Are you insane?"

"If he dies, you'll come back to me," he said.

"Nonsense!" I hollered. "We are never ever getting back together, even if Matteo dies. In fact, I will kill you. So you better pray that he doesn't die." As the sound of wailing sirens got louder, I smirked and continued, "I hope you have fun in jail for attempted murder."

I stood up and walked towards Matteo. Derek called out for me but I ignored him. He's crazy! "Matteo," I muttered. "Help is on the way. Please hang in there."

He forced a laugh. "Don't worry. It isn't that serious. I know I'm not dying. If it hit any vital organs, I won't be talking to you right now. My uncle's a trauma surgeon, one of the best. I'll be fine. Besides, it's quite cool to see myself getting operated on. It's a fresh perspective."

"You're not going to see yourself getting operated on. You'll be given anaesthesia," Dr Knight deadpanned. He turned towards me and said, "He's in good hands."

A police officer walked towards us and Dr Knight stood up to talk to him. I looked around and saw that there was no ambulance around. God damn it! When I called the police, I forgot to tell them I needed an ambulance too! Stupid, stupid, stupid.

"Okay, I'm driving him to the hospital. We're going to Devon Grey," Dr Knight announced, clapping his hands. He ran off, leaving everyone slightly confused. He soon returned with his car and we carefully moved Matteo onto his car.

With that, he sped off. To hell with speed limits. We're a makeshift ambulance. Besides, Dr Knight talked to the police and was allowed to speed just that once, especially since there's hardly anyone on the road this late at night. I guess it's the perks of having connections.

On our way, Dr Knight called Uncle James to tell them about the situation. As soon as we reached, the doctors, including Dr Knight, put Matteo on a bed and pushed him in. Of course, I wasn't allowed to go in since I'm not authorised.

Uncle James patted my back and said, "He'll be okay." Then, he went inside.

"I guess we'll just wait outside," Alfred said, waving Dr Knight's car keys. He parked the car and we went to the surgical waiting room. From what I know, they have to first remove the bullet before they patch him up. How long is it going to take?

"You!" I heard someone shout. I turned in the direction of the voice and saw that it was Matteo's mother. "I heard everything. You are the reason he's in the OR now. It's all your fault. If you never appeared, he would be safe and sound."

I averted my eyes. I have no argument. It's true.

"Don't say that, Mum. I'm sure she didn't mean for this to happen," Luca said.

"Then why is she so quiet? Is it guilt?" she asked. "If it wasn't for where she came from, she wouldn't have known that crazy man who shot my son! She used to date that crazy man! I think it says a lot about her personality."

"Matteo is in there fighting for his life. He got shot slightly below his left clavicle. He could lose his left arm. He could die. Every surgery has its risks. All we can do now is pray that he will survive. There's no point in arguing," I replied, looking up at them.

Alfred said, "Yes. We have to trust that Dr Knight and Dr Devon can save him. They're very good doctors. We're lucky that he didn't get shot in the head."

I added, "He was still able to talk but I think that's because he's in shock. He can't feel the true extent of his injury. Whatever it is, let's hope for the best. I have no idea how that guy got a gun but I do know him, and I hate him."

"I don't believe you. You must've conspired with him to kill Matteo for God knows what reason! That's all you peasants know to do," she spat. Oh God, I hate this woman.

Luca pulled his mother away from me and sighed, "Come on, Mum. I'm sure Matteo doesn't want to see his mother and girlfriend fall out. He wants you two to be on good terms. Do him a favour and be nice to Alexia."

His mother huffed and left.

He walked towards me and said, "I'm sorry. Not all of us are like that. It's just her. She can get a little... overbearing. I promise we're not all as snobby as her. Don't tell her I said that. She'll kill me."

"Okay," I laughed. My smile dissipated as I muttered, "I'm sorry about Matteo."

"It's okay. You're not the one who pulled the trigger. It's not your fault. You couldn't have stopped it. That man made his choice and he's going to pay for it. You shouldn't suffer for his crimes," he replied.

I'm surprised by how mature he was since Matteo described him as a wild child. I smiled and replied, "Thanks for saying that. I appreciate it."

He patted my shoulder in reassurance and sat down beside me.

An hour and a half had passed and there was still no news. I spent the past hour searching what happened during trauma surgery. That got me panicking. What's taking so long? All they have to do is remove the bullet and treat the injury!

By then, Mrs Knight had also returned to the waiting room after being pacified by Luca. She told me with a menacing frown, "If something goes wrong, you and Matteo are over."

I nodded in acknowledgement. Gosh, Mrs Knight, touchwood!

Just then, Dr Knight came out. We stood up immediately and rushed towards him, hoping for some good news. However, he had a grim look on his face. "I'm sorry."

My heart sank. Is it the end?

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