Chapter 14

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The butterflies were still in my stomach as I put down my pen. This is my first exam in NYU and I have to ace it or else people will question my place here. Clutching my pencil case close to my chest, I left the exam hall.

"How was it?" I suddenly heard and jumped in shock. I turned and saw that it was Matteo. I didn't expect him to be here. Shouldn't he be studying for his paper tomorrow?

"Oh, hi, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to check on you," he replied, grinning. "You were so anxious last night. I came to see how you look after the paper. It isn't as bad as you think, is it?"

I thought for a moment. I finished the entire paper and I'm sure of all my answers. There's no reason to be worried! "Yeah, you're right. It's actually not that bad. Why have I been so stressed over this?"

"Because you've been slacking until one month ago," he replied, amused. I smacked his arm and he yelped. "Ow! What was that for?"

"That, my friend, was for calling me lazy," I said, smirking.

He gasped dramatically, "How dare you? I did no such thing! How can you accuse me of saying that? I demand to see my lawyer!"

I giggled. He's changed so much since the first time I saw him. He used to be cold and reserved. Now, he's so fun and bright. Of course, he's only this way towards me. He's still the same old icy dude towards others.

Now that the biology paper is done and dusted, I can go home. I can't believe it's finally over. Well, not entirely. I still have papers for other courses but they are not held today. There's chemistry tomorrow. Looks like I still have to study tonight...

"Anyway, let's celebrate the end of your biology paper! Bowllin'?" he suggested.

"Definitely," I replied with a smirk. "But don't we have to study for our papers tomorrow? Especially you! Your grades are very important. It's your final year. You have to take the MCAT to get into medical school! Isn't your test in June?"

"That can wait," he muttered. "June is one month away! I also think I've studied enough for my exams. Let's focus on the present. You finished your very first paper in NYU! This calls for a celebration!" He waved his hands at my face excitedly.

I pushed his hands aside and giggled, "Okay, let's go. Let's eat our hearts out." As soon as I saw the weird look on Matteo's face, I stopped to think through my words. Oh, crap. "Okay, that sounded very wrong. Let's just go and eat."

"Agreed," he replied.

"Hey, Lexie! Wait up!" Erica called out from behind. I turned around and saw my best friends running towards me. They stopped right behind us. "Hi, Matteo."

Matteo greeted back with a "hey" and I rolled my eyes. I don't get why he can't say a few more words to others when he can do that to me! I replied, "Hi, you all. How was the paper? Do you think you did well?"

"Yeah, it was fine," Zenia muttered. "I think we'll all do well since we're smart and we studied a lot. It's quite sad you couldn't mug with us because you don't stay with us... It would've been nice."

Before I could reply, Matteo interjected, "You should've seen how hard she was studying. Her notes are in her hands twenty-four seven and she can't stop reciting them. Even during lunch and dinner, she's reading her notes! So scary."

I rolled my eyes. "I think you're talking about yourself."

"Damn, I should've compiled videos of you studying over the past month for you to see for yourself how scary you looked," he replied, shaking his head. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Ooh, since when were you two so close?" Talia asked.

"Stop it," I said firmly. Why can't she stop talking about Matteo and me? "Let's stop talking nonsense and have lunch! Who's up for Korean barbecue? Because that's where Matteo and I are going for lunch. Yes? No?"

Of course, they all said "yes". Who wouldn't want to have lunch with the smartest student in NYU CAS? They could get some study tips from him! Honestly speaking, Matteo is the last person you would want to ask for study tips. His method of studying is exhausting.

As we walked to the restaurant, we discussed the paper. Poor Matteo looked out of place, especially since he's the only guy out of five people! I felt a little bad for him since he prefers to have lunch with only me. It's nice of him to agree to this last-minute arrangement.

Besides, I haven't been spending as much time with my friends as I expected when I first moved here. I feel bad about that. We were all so excited to be able to spend time together again but I blew it for a boy... again.

I guess this is the best way for me to hang out with both him and my friends!

Lunch turned out better than I thought. Everybody seemed to have enjoyed themselves. Matteo was curious about our lives in a small town which made sense since he spent all his life in the busy New York City where life is much faster-paced.

We also discussed our dreams and aspirations. We shared the types of doctors we hope to become. We shared our plans for the future. We shared our study schedules and gave each other advice. It was fun and sort of helpful.

Of course, Talia kept giving me a weird look when Matteo and I shared how we studied together at his apartment. How annoying.

"Did you enjoy lunch?" I asked after they left. Before he could reply, I blabbered, "I'm sorry I threw it onto you at the very last minute. You didn't even have the choice to say 'no' since it would've seemed rude. I didn't even ask you if you were okay with it in the—"

"It's okay, Grey. I had fun," he replied with a smile.

I smiled back. "That's good to hear." Oh, thank God he's feeling okay. I'll feel so bad if he was suffering internally throughout the entire lunch. "Wait, you're telling the truth, right? You're not saying this just to make me feel better."

He gave me a fake laugh. "And why would I do that?"

I rolled my eyes. What a way to ruin the moment! So much for looking out for him. "Isn't it nice to be able to socialise now? At least, in a basic manner. I'm not talking about those big social gatherings that your family goes to."

"Yeah, I guess it's actually not that bad," he murmured. "You know what, Grey? You're kind of awesome. Thanks for showing me that there's more to life than studying all day. If you never became my neighbour and friend, I'll still be the same old grouch."

"Of course, I am awesome," I replied, smirking. "But, seriously, you were quite a grouch when I first met you. You were grumpy, easily-angered and very withdrawn. You don't talk much! The only reason you opened up to me was Grey's Anatomy."

"Still the best show in the world," he said. "Okay, no, it's the best medical romance drama. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is very nice too. Thank you for introducing it to me or I would've missed such a great show! Besides, I can't dedicate myself to Grey's all my life."

I chuckled. I'm sure he wouldn't mind doing that at all. "You're welcome. Let's go home and study for our papers tomorrow. Oh, chemistry," I groaned.

"Oh, biology..." he sighed.

Linking arms, we walked back to his apartment. Another eight hours of gruelling hardcore studying awaits!

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