Part 4

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The rest of the summer passed quickly. Anne enjoyed her time at Hermione's residence. The Grangers were gracious hosts. They were like any other parents, even though they were Muggles, allowing both she and Hermione to spend quality girl time together.

Throughout her stay, Anne and Hermione spent most the majority of their time up in Hermione's room reading books, going over their summer homework, discussing their favorite topics, and doing other typical preteen stuff. They both couldn't wait to return to Hogwarts and see Harry and Ron again.

The morning of September 1 arrived at last. After saying good-bye to the Grangers, both girls made their way through King's Cross to the barrier between platforms 9 and 10 where Platform 9 3/4 was. Passing through the brick wall, they found themselves in front of the Hogwarts Express with other parents and Hogwarts students.

Once onboard both girls found an empty compartment. Eleven o'clock came and the train began its departure. The girls sat quietly waiting for Harry and Ron to join them. But then after several minutes, they began to get concerned.

"Where do you suppose they could be?" Anne asked as she glanced down the corridor outside their compartment. She could see other Hogwarts students but there was no sign of Harry and Ron.

"I don't know. Maybe they're in another compartment," Hermione suggested. Then another thought crossed her mind. "Or maybe they're not..."

Anne shook her head. "No. There's no way they would miss the train unless..."

They both glanced at each other nervously. It was clear they were thinking the same thing but didn't want to admit it.

Hours went by and before they knew it, they had arrived at Hogwarts.

Steeping off the train, Anne saw Hagrid calling out to the first year students to follow him. She and Hermione followed the other students up through the station to where carriages were waiting for them. The carriages were purple, decorated with ornate golden embroidery, depicting intricate swirling patterns. They seemed to be pulled by invisible horses, judging by the distance between them.

Anne still couldn't find Harry and Ron as she and Hermione boarded one of the carriages along with several people. Upon arriving at the school, they were escorted up to the Great Hall. They seated themselves at their house tables and patiently waited for the first years to enter through the main entrance.

Professor McGonagall entered with the first years. Anne watched as Professor Dumbledore gave his start-of-the-term speech before McGonagall began the Sorting Ceremony. He then turned to Snape and spoke to him quietly, pointing to the Gryffindor table. Anne saw her father rise from his chair and sweep out of the Great Hall.

The moment Snape left, Anne glanced up and down the Gryffindor table. She discovered, to her horror, that Harry and Ron were no where to be found. Where were they? Were they in trouble for something?

After the sorting came to an end, Dumbledore stood up and said a few words, but Anne's mind was clouded with thoughts of doubt. It was obvious something had happened to the boys. The feast appeared after Dumbledore finished speaking. Anne had barely taken a bite when her father returned looking rather smug. She knew that look. That look meant trouble. He spoke a few words to McGonagall, who immediately rose from her chair accompanied by Dumbledore. She watched the three of them leave curious to know what was going on.

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