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"Susan, we've been over this

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"Susan, we've been over this. Peter is marrying Duchess Ophelia. It's out of my hands and my control now." Theodora released a heavy sigh. "I wish Aslan were here to guide me through all this madness." Susan chuckled at her friend's statement.

"Aslan will return one day, as we can only hope. And as for Peter, Edmund, Lucy and I will handle that. And as for you, Alice will be stopping by to help you."

"But Susan why are you..." Susan shut the door behind her as she left Theodora behind in her room leaving her dumbfounded. Some time later, Alice barged into her sister's room unannounced.

"You my dear sister are going on a walk with me." Alice dragged Theodora with her into the gardens. "Now, whatever is the matter?" Alice sat the two of them down on a stone bench under a hedgeway.

"You know whatever is tha matter." Theodora snapped and she instantly regretted it. "I'm sorry. It just feels as though my heart has been ripped out and then stepped on. You wouldn't know what that feels like."

"Try me." Alice grinned at her sister. "I've had a fair share of broken hearts. You aren't the only one with commitment issues."

"Oh, my dear, Alice, you don't know the half of it." Theodora laughed as she held her sister's hands. "This is insane. He couldn't possibly be blind to my feelings and yet he is." Theodora suddenly stood from the bench. "I don't know what to feel anymore. He is promsied to another."

"Peter doesn't show it, but he does care for you." Edmund's vouce caused Alice to stand smiling.

"Oh, Edmund, join us. I'm trying to make her happier." Alice sat down and Edmund stood a little beyond them looking at Theodora.

"Edmund, what do I have that she doesn't have. I don't compare to the Duchess." Theodora smiled sadly and Edmund walked towards her and then crouched.

"You are the most beautiful woman in all of Narnia." Alice glared at him playfully. "For the exception of you, my love." Alice grinned satisfied earning a confused look from Theodora. "If Peter can't see that, then I don't know what he does see."

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