-Protecting You-

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Authors note: If any of these situations share similarities to an event that happened to you in real life, please know that this was not intentional.


You two were walking home from a the bar, when he notices one of the bar goers is walking behind you

He usually notices the threat right away, even if on the outside they seem harmless

Often looks behind him more often

Usually has his arm around you

If it gets to the point where he still doesn't trust the person following he'll whisper to you to walk faster

If the person quickens their pace, he'll tell you to walk ahead of him and he confronts the person

He yells "Do you have a problem?" And the bar goer starts to run in the opposite direction as soon as Dazai addresses him


Because he's in the mafia, he's almost always alert

You two were taking a midnight stroll and he notices an older man staggering as he walked

Chuya could tell he was very drunk and his grip on your hand tightened

He glares at the guy

As you start to get closer, the drunk man starts to make remarks to you like "Hey there, gorgeous" and "What are you doing out here in this hour?" And "Nice body"

This gets on Chuya's nerve and starts screaming at the drunk guy

"Have some f_king decency and respect! They're a person, not a zoo animal!"

Eventually, the drunk just curses at him and keeps moving

You hear Chuya mutter "Keep moving, lush."


One thing a lot of people in Yokohama know: Don't piss off Akutagawa

You were outside of your workplace, waiting for Akutagawa to pick you up

A woman walks up to you and tries to make conversation with you, you immediately thought she was suspicious

You told her you were waiting for someone to pick you up, and she asks if you need a ride

You weren't comfortable, so you declined. But she kept insisting and even pulled on your arm

"Listen, ma'am, I said I don't need a ride. Let go of me please."

She keeps pulling your arm and starts shouting at you

But then, you see someone put their hand on her shoulder

"You heard them. Let. Go."

She turns around and sees it's Akutagawa, and her eyes go wide before she lets go and sprints away

You hold onto him the whole way home

Akutagawa told you on the way home that the woman resembled a wanted criminal that was wanted for kidnapping


You and him were walking around Yokohama, just exploring

You guys were the only ones on the street at the time

Suddenly, you felt someone grab your arm and the back of your neck

The man wraps his arm around your neck in a choke hold and starts threatening Atsushi

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