-When you come home with a bruise-

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- You came home from going out with your friends one night, somewhat drunk

- You refused to look him in the eye

- "What's wrong? This isn't like you."

- At one point he tilts your head towards him only to see that you had a black eye

- When he asked what happened, you burst into tears

- You drunkenly told him that you got into a bar fight, and that you were ashamed

- He assured you that you are human and you make mistakes

- He then tries to comfort you the whole night

- He holds ice to your eye as you lay down and ramble drunkenly

- He f l i p p e d when he saw you walk through the door with a bruise on your forehead

- He wanted to know what happened

- You told him about how you tripped and hit your head on a chair at work

- He was glad nobody deliberately harmed you, but he still acted like a worried mom

- "Before you say anything, I want to know what happened to your arm." Were his first words when you walked in with a bruised arm and tears in your eyes

- You tried to tell him it wasn't a big deal, but that didn't convince him other wise

- You eventually told him that you were mugged out on the street and they took you wallet and your cellphone

- Naturally, he was pissed

- You tried to calm him down, but he just couldn't hide his anger

-But, he's really just scared

- He's very protective because he's afraid of losing you

- He asks you what they look like, he nods, leaving the house saying that he'll be back in an hour or so

- "Hey, (Y/-" He stopped mid sentence and his mouth hung open when you came into the house with a bruise on the corner of your mouth

- He bombarded you with questions

- You told him that you got into a fist fight, but you left it at that

- He accepted that you didn't feel comfortable talking about whatever happened between you and the other person

- However, this didn't stop him from trying to treat it and keep it from swelling with an ice pack

- Ranpo noticed the bruise on your nose a few minutes after you got home

- When he asked what happened, you started laughing

- "Funny story, actually..."

- You told him that your sister accidentally hit you in the face with door

- He died of laughter

- "That certainly sounds like your sister."

- He did take you to the doctors to make sure it wasn't broken though

- "What happened to your knees?"

- You had fallen earlier that day, and you ended up scratching up and bruising your knees

- He immediately went to find the First aid kit

- He cleaned the scratches diligently and gently

- He told you to stop being clumsy

- In those words exactly

- He was visibly shaken when you came home with a black eye

- He bombarded you with questions

- "Are you alright?! Are you hurt anywhere else?! What happened?!"

- You try to calm him down and explain to him that you got hit by a baseball

- He's relieved, because he would've Light Snow-ed some hoes if someone hurt you

- He noticed a bruise on your arm

- He calmly asked what happened, but his faced screamed "Who do I have murder tonight?"

- You told him that you hit your arm on your desk at work

- He tried to avoid touching that arm for a couple of days until it disappeared

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