Attention-Noen Eubanks🤩

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Your boyfriend Noen has been downstairs playing video games all day. You've tried texting him multiple times.
(These are the texts you sent)

After sending him a bunch of texts you decided to go downstairs anyway

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After sending him a bunch of texts you decided to go downstairs anyway. He was just sitting there with his headphones on playing his game. You sat down beside and just looked at him. He didn't move at all. You poked his leg but he didn't move, then you spoke.
{Conversation between you and Noen in bold}

You-I left you a bunch of texts!

He didn't say anything.

You-NOEN!! Seriously!!

He looked at you.


You-Oh nothing you've just been locked down here in this room playing games all day literally ignoring me!

Noen-Well don't yell at me jeez!

You-You are unbelievable right now!

You stomped upstairs to your room angry, but also a little sad because you really just wanted to spend time with him. But NOO he has to play video games all day long!

*Time skip to late at night*

You were laying in bed feeling neglected when you heard the door open you knew it was Noen so you didn't roll over he crawled into bed bedside you.


You ignored him.

Noen-Baby?? Look I know you are awake. Please answer me! I'm sorry. I shouldn't have ignored you all day I should have stopped playing and spent time with you. Please forgive me?

You- You hurt my feelings today.

You said without turning around.

Noen-I know I did but now I'm here to make it up to you. Please roll over I want to cuddle you.

You couldn't resist but you wanted him to feel the same neglect that you did.

You- I'm really tired Noen

Noen-Please Jasmine(or whatever name you want)

You- Fine.

You sighed as you rolled over to face him,you looked into his beautiful eyes and he smiled at you.

You-I'm still mad you though.

Noen-I know but I'll make it up to you I promise.

You-You better

You said smiling.

Noen-I swear tomorrow you have my full attention.

You giggled knowing that he was being 100% honest. He reached his hand up to play with your hair. He ran his fingers through it and rubbed his thumb on your cheek. He kissed you so softly and whispered to you.

Noen- I love you.

You-I love you too.

And with that you guys cuddled until you fell asleep.

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