Abused-Durte Dom🥺😔

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Dom came home from the party,he was extremely drunk he was sitting on the couch. I tried not to talk to him because he get aggressive when he drinks. I walked past him hoping he wouldn't see me.
D-Hey, so are you just not going to talk to me today or what?
M-I was just letting you rest.
D-Well I don't want to rest I want to see my girlfriend.
M-Dom,I'm just going to go to bed. He stood up and grabbed my wrist while I was walking away.
D-Why do gotta be a bitch all the time? His grip on my arm got tighter and he looked me in the eyes.
M-Maybe if you were drunk again! I wouldn't be a bitch to you. And let go of my arm you're hurting me!
D-I don't even know why I'm with your stupid ass! He let go of my arm and sat down.
M-I don't either at this point. My eyes were full of tears and I was trying to stop myself from crying. You're such a dick sometimes god. I whispered still standing in front of him.
M-I said you're a Dick. He stood up super close so our noses were almost touching. Watch it!
M-Dom stop it. I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him. He caught himself on the edge of the couch,he stood up straight.I had never seen him more angry.I felt his hand on my face and then a burning sensation across my face.I felt the warmth of my blood as it ran out of my nose and mouth. I put my hand under my face to catch the blood.I ran out of the room and into the bathroom.
D-I'm sorry,baby please don't leave me. I locked the door and sat down on the toilet I was sobbing. I called Tayler because him and Bryce were my best friends but Dom wouldn't let me call Bryce anymore.
M-Tayler I don't know what to do!
T-What happened sis what's wrong?
M-Dom! I was sobbing so hard I could hardly talk.
T-What about him what did he do to you?DID HE HIT YOU???
M-Y-yes and my face is bleeding so much and it won't stop.
T-Bryce and I are coming right now! Bryce was in the background yelling to me.
B-Where the fuck is he at now?
M-I don't know I locked myself in the bathroom.
B-We are coming just don't leave the room. I felt safer knowing that Tayler and Bryce are on the way but I feel bad for Dom I know he feels bad about how things just happened between us. I heard a knock on the bathroom door.
D-Baby please come out here,look I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't speak he knocked on the door really hard and then he yelled. JUST OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR. It scared me I had never heard him yell like that before. He pulled on the handle really hard until he got it to break. At this point I was so scared of him I didn't know what to do.
M-Dom please calm down it's going to be ok.
D-Who the fuck were you on the phone with?
Dom-Of course you had to fucking call him. He picked my phone up and threw it against the wall causing it to shatter.
M-You know what Dom fuck you I'm
leaving. I tried to walk out of the bathroom but he grabbed me by my hair and pulled me back so hard I hit my head on the toilet causing it to bleed. I passed out only to wake up 30 minutes later in a hospital bed with Tayler and Bryce sitting beside it.
Where is Dom?
T-I don't know,with any luck dead in a ditch somewhere.
B-If he isn't yet he will be when I find him.
M-Don't say that shit! Where did he go after I passed out?
B-I don't know he wasn't there when we got there to get you and found you laying on the bathroom floor,we thought you were dead for God sakes can't you stop worrying about Dom and worry about you for a while?

M-No he needs me he is probably super stressed out and that just means more drinking.
T-Then let him drink himself to death but you are not going back to him!
M-I have to we need each other.
B-No he needs you! You need to live.
M-Don't be dramatic he wasn't going to kill me.
T-We don't know that!
M-I do I know him,He didn't mean to hurt me.
B-We have to go but we'll be back later.
M-Bye. They left and I feel asleep I woke up to a familiar voice.
D-Baby? Are you ok? I woke up and looked into his eyes,I could tell he had been crying because his eyes were red and puffy. He put his hand on my leg and I put my hand on top of his.
M-I'm ok,are you?
D-Yeah...Are you going to leave me? I didn't answer. Baby girl please don't leave me,I'll do better I promise I'll never hurt you again. He started crying I just wanted to hug him and tell him everything was ok but it wasn't. I whispered.
D-I will stop drinking I promise,I won't hurt you anymore. Dom laid on the bed next to me and wrapped his arms around me,he laid his head down in the crook of my neck and cuddled with me. We hadn't cuddled in a long time so it felt great. I missed this baby,I can't believe I let you slip away from me all this time. He kissed me on the forehead. I love you so much princess. I didn't know how to feel about this yet. I just laid there snuggled up in his arms. Dom and I feel asleep until we were woken up by the nurse coming in to tell me I could go home. Dom begged me to let him take me home so I agreed.He carried me inside and laid me down on the bed next to him. He cuddled me until we both fell asleep.

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