𝙸𝚒𝚍𝚊 𝚃𝚎𝚗𝚢𝚊 - 𝚂𝙵𝚆/𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆

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"Tenya, you're under-appreciated."

It was late in the afternoon, bordering sunset, and you were cuddling with your boyfriend in his bed. The two of you were spooning (you as the little one this time) with your legs intertwined with his, and one of his big hands caressing up and down your arm while the other traced little patterns on your hip bone. His glasses were on the table behind his bed. Normally, Tenya didn't lounge around at this hour, but he found himself making more and more exceptions for you.

"Excuse me?" he inquired, shocked at both the abruptness of your statement and the content it held.

You turned yourself around, coming face-to-face with his (slightly squinted) navy blue eyes. You cupped your hands around either side of his face. "I said you're under-appreciated," you repeated firmly.

All Tenya did was blink.

"Do you seriously not understand what I'm saying?" you scoffed, rubbing the pads of your thumbs in little circles. "You're, like, the best person to cuddle with. You've got a big, warm chest and big, warm arms and big, warm thighs and a big—"

"Darling, please," he blurted, his ears burning red as he kissed you to stop your rant about him being 'big and warm.' Tenya pulled away after a few seconds, but you moved back with him to keep your lips connected.

You pushed him against the bed and you ended up straddling his waist, both of his hands settling warmly on your hips, all the while keeping your lips pressed firmly together.

You were right, of course, when it came to Tenya's perfect build. You trailed from his pecs down to his abs, feeling the cut muscle definitively even with a layer of fabric in the way. He was such a perfect human being, you almost couldn't believe you were dating him at times. He was smart, he was gorgeous, he was kind, he was polite; Tenya was everything you ever wanted in a man. You caressed his thighs. His big, warm thighs. You swore to God, Tenya could crush your head between his thighs and you would thank him.

"I'm serious, baby," you cooed into his mouth, reveling in the way the grip he had on your hips tightened at the nickname. Tenya was always a sucker for those. "You're perfect in literally every way."

"As are you," insisted your boyfriend as he finally got you to unlatch from his lips, but he moved one of his hands up to pet your tresses and to keep your forehead pressed against his own. "Granted, you can be a tad mischievous at times, but you are quite honestly the best thing I have in my life." Tenya kissed your nose, and you could feel the heat spread over your face.

"How can you say such sappy shit with such a straight face?!" you demanded, and you buried your face in his chest to hide your burning cheeks.

"Well... I suppose it's because I mean them. Also, language."

"Oh, please, you love it when I curse."

"Darling, I love anything related to you," Tenya corrected effortlessly. You didn't even bother keeping your blush from him as you surged up and kissed him again, this time much harder.

You and Tenya were no strangers to intimacy. However, he was a gentleman and 100% against doing more sexual things in the dorms, but you? Oh, you were stubborn, you were persistent. Some could say you rivaled Bakugou in that manner. And if there was one thing you persisted about, it was showing the blue-haired boy beneath you just how loved he deserved to feel.

"Not in the dorms, darling," he murmured, very obviously dazed as you nestled your body flush against his and nipped on his bottom lip.

You looked up to him and pouted, "Don't you want me to show you that I love you, too?"

"Of course I do—" You kissed him.

"Don't you want to kiss me?"

"Yes, of c—" You kissed him again, slipping one of your hands underneath his shirt to trace his muscles even better. You could feel him shudder.

"Don't you want to wake up with me in your arms?"

"Yes, always—" and he put a hand on your collarbone to keep you from swallowing his words with any more kisses, "—but it is against the rules, love. I won't have Aizawa-sensei get mad at either of us just because we... couldn't control our urges." It was talking about sex that made Tenya flustered; the opposite was true for you.

While Tenya was the master at making you feel all warm and floppy inside from his cheesy words, you were the dirty talker in this relationship.

"Aw, baby..." You grinned down at him and let your other hand join in caressing your boyfriend's chest. You tweaked his nipple between two of your fingers, and Tenya bit his lip. "You're so cute when you get embarrassed. Makes me wanna just ride these thick thighs of yours until tomorrow morning." For emphasis, you rutted your clothed crotch against the thigh you were sitting on.

Tenya choked on his spit, eyes widening and face flaming. "D- darling!" he managed to get out.

"Yeah?" you all but purred in his ear, now squeezing his thigh. "Am I getting you all riled up?" It was a rhetorical question; the answer was already painfully obvious by the suspicious bulge poking your own thigh. "Let me take care of you, Tenya. We don't have to go far, just let me show you how much I love you. Okay?"

Shakily, Tenya nodded. "Well... alright, but not too far," he mumbled, hands already moving up your sides and lifting up your shirt. You smirked.

"Don't worry, baby, I'll take good care of you," you promised, and the dark tones of sunset had just settled over the room, entrapping you and Tenya in a personal, sensual oil painting of amaranth and indigo. "Just let me do allll the work."



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