⋆A S H I E ' S P O V⋆

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                ❝i mean - i couldn't really tell you much about love

                  except the fact that you know it when you feel it.❞

                  song of the chapter :  new year's day by taylor swift

                   also, this takes place after the end of twenty five. 


Asher Klein was madly in love with Claire and you didn't even know half of it. 

He hadn't realized it at first, really. Nothing except the fact that he actually enjoyed spending time with her, time he began to treasure. As time went on, the feeling of wanting to spend time with her increased and slowly morphed into more. Times when he wondered what Claire would say in his situation, times when he generally looked behind when he was walking home with this phone expecting her to be there. 

So he'd asked himself exactly what he liked about her. Why he always expected her to be there. Why, even though he didn't want to admit it then, why he wanted her to be there. 

She was fun. Willing to do a lot of things and go for it, without a second thought. He loved how she would laugh at a lot of things, have her own strong opinion and was passionate about the things she did. She was able to adjust to any situation, and knew exactly what to do in a lot of situations. And even when she didn't, it was amazing how well she still managed to pull it off. 

Somewhere along the way, he developed stronger feelings that he couldn't exactly define. It wasn't exactly a crush, nor was it true, pure love. But it was enough for him to spend time with her voluntarily, loving it, and throw around a few flirtier comments here and there cause honestly? He didn't exactly know how to get girls to like you, much less one like Claire. Claire was unlike any girl he'd ever had a crush on in a way that only she could be. And he liked that about her. 

And then boom. Before he knew it, he had fallen deep in, too far to get out, not that he wanted to. That's when he knew he was in love with the person he had asked to help get together with another girl. Messed up, right? 

But he was. And there was no going back anymore, not this far in. 

Then came the arguments, fights, mistakes, decisions, things he wished he hadn't done and hadn't happened but had to, everything happened for a reason. But they had happened, and that's when everything was strained, and where only he could fix it. 

And now? Here he was, walking back to his house with Claire snuggled into his side, and he couldn't be happier. She was the light in his world, his world entirely. 

"Asher?" Claire asked gently as they reached the door of his home, him reaching to click open the door. 

"Yeah?" He murmured, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. He really hadn't gotten over it all yet - the kiss, the apologies and the speeches, more kisses - yep, definitely something he wouldn't comprehend for a while. 

"How did you know you were in love with me?" 

Those few, bold words made him freeze, the entire world holding it's breath to hear his answer. 

He was definitely in love with her. There was no doubting that. But how did he know? What told him that? 

He didn't have a real answer, really. He wasn't philosophical enough and wasn't really into long speeches about how he knew. He just knew. And that was that. 

"I mean, I couldn't really tell you much about love." He began, a small smile forming on his face. "Except the fact that you know it when you feel it." 

She grinned, ducking inside the door and twisting the ends of her hair to get the water out all over his carpet. "That was deep, Ash. It sounded weird coming out of your mouth." 

"Hey, are you implying I'm not deep?" He said in mock sadness, leading her up to his room. "I have some dry clothes you can borrow if you want." 

"Thanks." She replied gratefully, looking down at her soaked pants. "That would be nice. And okay, maybe you're deep sometimes." 

He rolled his eyes playfully before tossing her his basketball hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. "They might be a little big for you, Aire, but you can always roll up the ends. The bathroom's-"

"To the right, yeah I know." She interrupted, a grin on her face. A bit of happiness shot through him at how she already knew his house like it was her own. "And I'm not that much shorter than you!" 

"Yeah, you are." He teased, ruffling her wet hair. "Take a shower while you're at it." 

She rolled her eyes before heading to the bathroom. He quickly changed, pulling on a t-shirt and sweatpants before waiting for Claire to come back. His hair was still a bit damp, but he could deal with that, and it would dry anyway. 

So yeah. He was in love with Claire Finley Tanjung. And just to make one of her Taylor references she made all the time -

He'd marry her with paper rings. 


ashie's pov !! don't you love it hehe ? i thought it was cute and u guys would want it ! i was gonna post a stf chapter butttttt i got distracted and started writing a pov for asher !! lollllll XD 

thank you chapter will be out tomorrow !

question : what time do u guys regularly go to bed ? and did you enjoy ashie's pov ?

answer : welp midnight ? 11:00pm ? lol. AND I DID I HOPE YOU DID ! 

love you guys, not much else to say cuz i gotta take a shower ! toodles ! have a great day/night !

with love, naomiiiiiiii

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