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(your Pov)
Im y/n l/n the weakest guy on the planet why you ask i have no powers everyone in the world except me has powers whether  it be quirks, sacred gears even magic but for me i was born with nothing so i was deemed a waste of space i even wondered how did i get to the prestigious Union Academy maybe the headmasters took pity on me i was kicked out of my thoughts after receiving a punch on the face courtesy of Issei he then said

Issei:"hey weakling time for your beating"
(punch) (kick)

As issei continues to punch me i heard a crack on my arm and saw it was dislocated i screamed which was bad idea as it attracted more of my tormentors

WBY:"Hey what was that sound?!"
CRDL:"Who screamed?! "
ORC:"Is there a villain attack?!"

then they saw being punched beaten by Issei they started laughing then they came up and started beating me while throwing insults

Yang:"your so weak how did you even get in union!"

(Punch) (bang)

Yang just used her weapon ember celica to shoot shotgun shells at my leg which bled badly, Cardin then came up and smashed his mace at my face which resulted in a huge bruise on my face

Cardin:" what a weakling can't even take a hit"

Akeno then shot me with lightning then said

Akeno:"Ara Ara~ let me hear your screams of pleasure~"

Then suddenly Blake came up and slashed my eye with gambol shroud I started screaming loudly which attracted the attention of Ms. Goodwitch she started coming up to us when she saw me instead of punishing the others she told them to get ready for class while she brings me to the headmasters for my punishment i was shocked because i was the one getting the punishment not those bastards that beat me up

Glynda:"Mr. L/N come with me to the headmasters office"

As i followed glynda i heard insults but i just ignored them

As we arrived i heard glynda said

Glynda:"here we are Mr. L/N"

Glyda knocked 3 times then waited for a response then we heard

??? :"enter"

We entered and saw 3/7 headmasters
(i made all of the four satans headmasters  with ironwood)

They asked me to take a seat i did as they asked and then they said words that i did not imagine they will

Ozpin:"welcome Mr. L/N so your wondering why you're here"

Redhair guy(forgot the name) :"to put it simply we are expelling you from union as we see no potential in you"

Y/N:"Wha-what?,But why Jaune also has no aura"

Nezu:"dont bring up another person we see great potential within jaune but we just took pity on you so that is why we are expelling you"

Y/N:"I-I ok sir"

I said in a cold and venomous tone they flinched a bit but said

Nezu:"good we expect you out of Union by midnight"

(Narrator POV)

As Y/N started leaving he thought that maybe

Y/N(THOUGHTS) :'maybe i should tell momo that I'm expelled'

As he started going through the halls he heard insults being thrown at his way

Student1:"look at that weakling i wonder why Yaoyorozu even dated him"

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