Chapter 7

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(Sirzechs Pov)

As i was thinking of ways on how to kill that bastard Y/N i suddenly remembered one thing that has been in my possession for quite a while a storage a vault to be exact the only thing is we can't open it we tried so many thing yet none succeeded i then thought

Sirzechs:"What if we can get Y/N's power  and somehow use it to open the door"

I began thinking of ways on how to get Y/N's power then i remembered that if we can get Y/N's Dna then we may be able to create a seal strong enough to hold his power i then started contacting everyone to inform them about my plan

(Rias Pov)
I decided to "persuade" Y/N by kidnapping one of his girls i then decided the short haired one will be our target because she is the closest to Y/N i then saw her going out of the house probably to buy something

Rias:"Kiba there she is follow her from a distance while koneko Waits for an opening to grabe her"

Kiba:"Yes president"

As kiba was following her with koneko xenovia, akeno, gasper, and I started preparing if she tries to resist a few minutes later we saw her on a park all alone

Rias:"Koneko now grab her!"

As koneko was about to grab her she suddenly dodged and kicked Koneko's head sending her flying into a tree

Saryn:"When do you ever learn?"

I then got mad and shot P.O.D at her it made contact and created a lot of smoke

Rias:"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA see your just bark and no bit"

I then heard clapping from a tree and saw that she was there

Rias:"Wha-What? How"

Saryn:"Cool trick do you do weddings"

I thrn started getting mad as i saw on how she was mocking me

Rias:"I had enough!"

We then charged at her but she just sighed and made a huge wave motion i ignored it but then felt something growing on me i looked and saw that it was spores?


She then summoned a pistol then shot at the spores making jt explode knocking us out

(Saryn Pov)
Her:"What a try hard"

I then started walking home but not before taking a picture as i arrived home i was greeted by my boyfriend which was cooking

Y/N:"Hey Saryn how was your walk?"

Her:"It was fine but i encountered a few annoying things on the way"

He then shrugged and continued on cooking

(Sirzechs Pov)
As i was looking of ways on how to obtain Y/N's Dna i heard a call from my wife

Grayfia:"Dear Rias and her peerage was found unconscious on the park with minimal to no wounds but we found poison in their system their on theur way to the hospital as we speak"

Sirzechs :"What! I want you to find who did that to them and make them pay!"

Grayfia:"That seems to be impossible as the one who did it was...."

Sirzechs:"Who! Just continue for lucifers sake"

Grayfia:"Y/N's girlfriend"

Sirzechs:"Shit! I will think of a way to deal with this but for now focus on treating Rias"

Grayfia:"Ok dear"

As she hanged up i thought of an idea that will probably work

(In beacon)
The people who did not bully Y/N was feeling sad because they just found out how power hungry everyone in union is

Ruby:"Why did we even join Union?"

Velvet:"I know"

Jaune:"I miss Y/N"

All of them:"We all do"

(Vay hek Pov) {You probably did not expect that do you?}

As i was ordering the grineer i started thinking of ways on how to create a weapon that would be able to destroy all the tenno then i thought of an idea

Vay hek(thoughts) :"What if i clone stalker and make it obedient to the grineer"

I then started ordering the grineer to take pieces of stalker that was scattered around the planets

Vay hek:"HAHAAHHAHAHA soon every tenno will bow to me"

(NEF Pov)
I started thinking of ways to gain profit then i remembered a new planet that was discovered a few days

Nef(thoughts) :"I wonder what kind of profit will they bring me"

I then started ordering every crewman in sight to pilot the ship and bring our technology so we can make a "meaningful"

(In the derelict)
The infested felt a new power being born on a distant planet they started gathering and started forming a huge thing which seeped into the cracks of the derelict and started powering it up making the ship fly

(Lisa Pov)
As i was taking a break i saw a red alarm go off and saw that the derelict was moving so i decided to calculate on where it will end up after a few minutes i saw that it was heading to the same place as Y/N

Lisa(thoughts) :"Shit if the infested reach that planet no one might be able to stop them"

I then started calling every available tenno to prepare their Railjacks and bring out their Most powerful weapon as we will be preparing for an all out war

(Y/N Pov)

As i was trying to sleep i saw a red light going out i then clicked a butto underneath my bed which then show a holographic screen of Lisa

Y/N:"Hey there L-"

Lisa:"Y/N there is no time to explain prepare your strongest weapon and make sure that everyone on that planet is in a safe place i will be sending your railjack in a few minutes"

I nodded not complaining as i only saw her this nervous when Erra attacked us killing nearly all of us

Y/N:"Ok i will inform the everyone by everyone i mean every being on this planet"

I then started hacking  everything after a few minutes i finished and sent a broadcast

Y/N(to everyone) :"There is no time to explain all I'm gonna say is you need to prepare yourselves for an upcoming threat that can end your whole world"

As i finish broadcasting i started preparing

Y/N(thoughts) :"this is gonna be an all out war"

(to be continued)

Sorry for the late update i was busy reading a lot of fanfics to improve my writing

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