Chapter 27

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(Saryn's Pov)
I opened my eyes and saw that Y/N was in the same bed As Me Asleep i Started blushing and remembered what happened yesterday i then smiled knowing he's Back i then went out of bed to prepare food when i suddenly heard a knock at the door

Saryn(Thoughts) :"Who could that be?"

I then walked through the door and opened it I then saw A Familiar girl but i can't put my finger on who she is

???:"Saryn san? Its good to see you"

I then looked at her carefully and remembered her

Saryn:"Claire it's good to see you! But Why are you here?"

I asked suspiciously She then looked at em with determination and said

Claire:"Train me"


Claire:"Train me"

Saryn:"But why? Your pretty powerful on your own"

Claire:"You see i was With Lisa last time But all i could do Was Hide i felt so ashamed for being weak that is why i beg you to train me"

She then bowed at me i just sighed and motioned her to look me in the eye

Saryn:"Are you sure you want to do this? I will pit you through hell to strengthen yourself"

She nodded instantly as i motioned her to follow me in a small clearing surrounded by trees

Saryn:"Now tell me what is a weapon?"

Claire:"It's a weapon that is used for killing"

Saryn:"You are technically correct but you see a weapon is a extension of the Body and you should treat it As such"

I then materialized my Nikana prime as I motioned her to show hers which was a pair fo Kronen prime we then exchanged weapon as i looked at the Condition of her weapon Alot of Nicks in the edges and the blade is dull

Saryn:"Inspect my weapon and look at the difference"

She then looked at her Weapon and Mine and saw that Mine was In pristine Condition no Nicks only few scratches and it looked new

Claire:"Yours is in A perfect condition while mine is Nearly broken"

Saryn:"Correct Every tenno has a connection with 3 weapons they're primary melee and secondary Now i want you to focus and find your connection I will be back in a few minutes"

Claire:"Yes ma'am"

I then walked deeper into the forest as i Stopped and Threw A Shuriken at a tree(Hikou Prime)

Saryn:"Come out i can sense you"

Suddenly 4 Masked figures came to the ground but their face were covered they instantly tried to attack me Up,Left,Right, Down but i just used Molt on them and Threw a Shuriken at their legs immobilizing them and making them kneel

Saryn:"Tell me who sent you?"

They did not speak and only looked at me i decided to Remove their mask and saw that they have no tongues and their faces are full of Scars i then inspected the mask and saw A Trace of Magic Probably from devils i just stood there disgusted and Turned my back on them

Saryn:"So people can stoop this low huh I'm giving you a chance change your ways for the next time we meet i won't be so merciful"

One of them tried to attack me with a knife but i just used molt and Threw a Shuriken at his knife disarming him i then arrived back at the clearing and Saw that Claire is holding 2 new weapons while her tonfa is repaired

Saryn:"I see goodjob rest for now I'll see you tommorow"

She then nodded as she walked away i just smiled and walked away

(To be continued)

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