Chapter 29

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(Y/N's Pov)
I was Following ziek through the forest while occasionally making small talk and talking about our past missions until we Arrived at a clearing

Ziek:"Now shoot me with Kuva Bramma and watch carefully oh and maje sure it has full attachments(Mods)"

Y/N(Worried) :"Are you sure?"

He just nodded as he put One arm up and widened his legs and put his other arm by his waist horizontally (Dante's royal guard stance Stance) i then shoot a arrow at him(More like a mini nuke) As it was about to hit i felt a sensation similar to Rhino's Iron skin Around him, The arrow then exploded creating a Shockwave and a dust cloud

Y/N:"Did i over do it?"

Ziek:"No you didn't"

The smoke then cleared as it showed Ziek Unharmed standing on a Crater

Ziek:"So did you figure it out?"

Y/N:"Kinda I just felt a Void energy simalar to that if Rhino's Iron skin around you it vanished as soon as it appeared"

Ziek:"That is kind of correct"

I then motioned my hand as if saying to continue

Ziek:"It uses the same principle as Rhino's iron skin storing the energy of the attack and redirecting it"

Y/N:"But how does Rhino redirect the attack i see no possible way"

Ziek:"Now Y/N what was the first feeling you got when using rhino?"

Y/N:"Well he feels light at First and when i use my stomp it doesn't do as much dama-..... oh OH i get It! It's his weight he is Heavy because of all the kinetic energy he absorbs he then releases it in The form of The Stomp or when falling from a High Place!"

Ziek:" That is Correct the Royal guard style follows the same principle but Instead of putting the Energy into the Body You put it in the Air around You and spread it out"

Y/N:"Why is that?"

Ziek:"You see even with Tenno physiology i won't be able to survive that attack that's why i stretched the energy out, Concentrate at one point and "

Ziek then rested his palm against a tree as he pushed his palm as a huge amount of heat evaporated the tree into nothing


Y/N:"Wow what the hell that was Op"

Ziek:"I know now why did you think it was heat that came out?, It could have been an explosion or an Ice Blast"

I then thought about it as something came in mind

Y/N:"I see when you released the contained kinetic energy in one point the air infront of it vibrated at intense speed creating a super condensed flame a few times hotter than the Sun!"

Ziek:"That is correct seeing as I made it. "Compact" it's lacking in range and the energy produce will only depend on the energy it receives"

Y/N:"I see"

Ziek:"Make sure you learn it i Want you to show it to me after i return"

Y/N:"Another mission?"

Ziek:"Yeah anyways take this only use it incase of emergency"

He said while handing me a huge Box covered in a Cloak i then lifted it a bit and saw what's inside

Y/N(Serious) :"Why are you giving me this? I though i destroyed it"

Ziek:"You didn't anyways imma head out now see you"

He then vanished as i stored the Box in the Rift i was walking back when suddenly a group of grineer surrounded me specifically manics

Y/N:"This again?"

Manics:"Huwahahahahaha Huwhahahahahahahaha!"

They then charged at me as i brought out a lot of Skana and threw it aiming for the head of the manic, the manic tilted his head letting the blade pass while i was infront of him holding a ball Of Void energy we were about to hit each other but i teleported to the Skana using the Rift and slammed the ball on his back Killing him another manic charge at me i was about to hit him when he suddenly Vanished(Is it only me or does this make then so annoying)i then noticed that most of them were circling me while they prepared to charge at me i then summoned a Nikana and discarded the Skana as they Began charging towards me the battle quickly turned into a massacre

After the massacre a manic that looks more intimidating than the others came upfront with a sword while i summoned a heat dagger and discarded my Skana he thrn charged at me But i threw my Dagger at his head killing him

Y/N:"What a waste"

I then walked towards the med bay to check on Lisa and the others

(To be Continued)

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