Chapter Nine

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Arafah's pov,

I looked out the tinted window of the car squinting my eyes to look at the trees counting any tree we came upon to pass time. Had my life become so sad that I was counting dark silhouette of trees?

I rested my face on my hands which were on my lap still looking out the window. "How long till we get there?" I asked looking at the driver. "About fifteen minutes ma'am, if there is no traffic that is," He answered. I looked ahead sighing in relief seeing the clear road with only a little cars scattered here and there. "That's nice to know," I smiled.

He took a turn and there it was my worse enemy at the moment traffic I let out a frustrated groan "You've for to be kidding me. The dress was starting to irritate me." I huffed leaning on the leather black seat ceissung my arms I looked out the window. The driver slowed the car stopping behind a red car and then the car didn't move for about five minutes before moving an inch or so.

I looked at Khaleed reflection on my window. He entertained himself with his phone not seeming to be bothered about the traffic or my boredom. I rolled my eyes envying his happiness. All I could see was his face as his face broke into a smile. I could not here anything because he had his earpiece on.

I finally have up carrying my phone at first I didn't because I planned on using it before going to bed tonight and I really didn't have time and patience to wait for it charge but then I realized I will probably spend all night here.

I scrolled through Instagram for sometime but at some point it got boring and my phone was now at fifteen percent, I pressed the power button resting my head on my window.


"Fairy we are here, wake up," A shake and a voice interrupted the darkness. I groaned informing the voice to go away. "Fairy get up, aren't you uncomfortable?" The voice asked shaking me more. I swatted the hand away, I heard a sigh before silence I smiled in victory thinking that the person had finally gone and was falling back into the welcoming darkness before I felt a splash of cold water on my face. I gasped for air sitting up wiping my face and that was when I heard his laugh. I looked to my side immediately narrowing my eyes at him.

"I'm sorry but you wouldn't wake up and then I saw this bottle of water here and then thought why not," He explained grinning at me. I smiled at him causing his face to morph from amused to confused, I reached for my black heels before throwing it at him not caring where it hit as long as it was part of his body.

He groaned in pain as it made contact with his chest and then it was my turn to laugh. He scowled at me before walking away. I stood up picking my shoes putting it on. I shoved my feet carrying my purse I started to walk towards the door.  But what I looked I saw Khaleed smiling at me, I frowned checking my surroundings for any threat. I looked him trying to determine what his was planning.

He waved at me grinning evily before slowly starting to close the door. My eyes widened in realisation before I ran towards the door but it was to late he slammed the door before a click followed indicating he just looked the door.

"No Khaleed open the door," I banged on the door. He didn't reply but I knew he was there because I could hear his laugh. "Khaleed open it," I instructed fiddling with the door noob.

"Magic sentence fairy," He said. "Sentence? How am I supposed to know that?" I asked. "Apologise and then praise me, simple right?" He instructed. "But you threw the water at me first," I complained.

"Fairy I have the upper hand now so I do whatever i want to do, besides your heel but me it was really painful, say it or I will just go upstairs," He said. I sighed irritated "I am so sorry Khaleed the great, I am only a peasant and I don't deserve to cause you pain."

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