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the next few days, i spend under the intense scrutiny and observation of everyone around me.

matty and all my housekeeper moms were just thrilled to have me home and safe. the moment i walked through the front door, i was bombarded and treated like i had just returned from war.

terrence was incredibly disappointed and upset. he made me reinstall the tracking app i used to have on my phone and now, he'll be watching me walk into the building before driving away when he drops me off at school. i know he was really worried and i feel especially bad because he definitely got the worse end of my father's anger.

which leads me to the man himself.

my father was beyond angry when he summoned me into his office the day i got back.

it took me a whole day and a million promises and compromises to convince him i don't need to go in for another psych evaluation.

promises include, "i feel normal", "i've been keeping up with the medication", and "i swear i was just with xavier and forgot to charge my phone".

compromises include, "no leaving the house other than for school for a month", "yes you can change my medication since you don't think it's working", and "i'll check into a centre if you're not convinced".

so to summarize, i was essentially under house arrest for the next few weeks while everyone analyzes me for any slight changes.

honestly, i couldn't really complain even if it does seem extreme.

my little one day vacation/adventure really changed my perspective and outlook on life. even though i've been basically threatened and blackmailed to act "normal" for a while, i can name worser things. at least i don't have to work three after school jobs.

after seeing how timmy lived perfectly fine in his mini apartment with his insane schedule, i should be more than content with my indoor theatre, swimming pool, and regular day-to-day.

one night with him and i was already starting to see myself differently.


"what the hell?!" 

i flinch at the sound of gen's voice right behind my locker door. she slams it shut and looks at me with a very bewildered expression. it takes me a second to realize she's mad that i ditched school and went off the grid for a whole day without telling her.

"hey gen."

her perfectly carved eyebrows lift and she narrows her eyes at me. "don't you hey gen me! where the hell were you yesterday? and i called you last night too but you didn't answer." she practically yells.

that's because my phone was off to precisely avoid this exact conversation.

"sorry." i start. her brows burrow expectantly. "it's kind of a long story."

"well start talking then."

i sigh and pick up my bag. i managed to avoid everyone for the entire morning of school but now that it's our lunch break, i can't use the excuse that i need to get to class.

gen and i don't have any classes together because she's focusing on the arts while my course load is mainly maths and languages. it wasn't really my choice but when your dad is the founder of one of the biggest investment companies, maths is kind of mandatory.

xavier was a lot easier to avoid since he's in the athletics stream so we definitely don't have any classes together. 

yesterday, i took a cab back up to the hamptons and went to his place so he could drive me back to my house and keep up the charade. i had to swallow my pride and pamper his ego the entire ride because i didn't want him asking any specific details about my excursion into town. especially since i lied about planning his birthday surprise.

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