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rich girl.

i feel quite indifferent towards that term. it used to bother me so much i'd get into fights with whoever muttered that behind my back. but i've come to embrace it and, in less than eloquent terms, be a real bitch about it.

"what are you gonna do? ask daddy to sue me?" a group of kids from the lower parts of town are gathered around my car and have been taunting me since before i got here.

this is what i get for choosing a mall so far from home just because i wanted a specific churro stick.

i sneer at the ring leader, a short and messy looking girl who thought pairing an orange turtle neck and white jean shorts was a good idea.

"wouldn't need daddy if i really wanted to sue you lot." i retort and pop open my trunk to put down my bags.

"prissy bitch." someone in the back calls.

i shut the trunk and turn with a sweet and venomous smile.

"rather be prissy than poor."

and with that i sashay up to the front of my tesla and get in before they get creative with their name calling. i easily back out of the lot while they yell and bang on my car but i'm long gone before they can do any real damage to me or my baby.

being rich puts a target your back.

as if on cue, my personal security guard, terrence, swings his back sedan onto the road right behind me.

it took all morning to convince him i didn't need an escort to go bra shopping. the compromise was that he'd follow behind the whole time as opposed to being right beside me. i'm sure a stern lecture is waiting for me as soon as i get home because i didn't wait for him in the lot and i confronted instead of avoided conflict.

"you never run into a burning building, caerus. that's someone else's responsibility." that's what my dad and terrence tell me every time i slip up.

to be truthful, i do slip up a ton but that's why i have private self defense lessons and a neverending stream of lectures on safety and what to do in literally any imagineable situation.

that's just what happens when your dad is a control freak and one of the most wealthy business men.

being poor is tough, i think as i pull into my gated driveway.

but being rich is tougher.

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