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Though she had been back for almost a month, there was one person she had not yet gone to see. After her afternoon class, Sai decided to drive across town to do what had been on her mind for a while.

She thought of everything she was going to say to Keon. Out of everyone, she might have missed him the most. The way he held her and made her feel like everything was alright. How he was so passionate about everything he talked about, how he lit up at the sight of her. She thought of that day she showed up to his job, the first time they kissed, the electricity of it all. Everything was so perfect back then.

Waking up after her procedure she felt empty. She knew a part of her was missing, and when they said there was a baby involved, she instantly thought of Keon. He was the only one person she wanted to be the father of her daughter. There was a possibility that it was Desmond's but she never let herself think of that. Only happy thoughts about her baby girl.

Sai faintly remembered Keon showing up next to her hospital bed, but that was the last she had heard of him. She hoped she didn't look like a fool pulling up to his place with no warning.

She still remembered the sequence of turns it took to get there. She parked her car and walked up the steps until she stopped at his door. Part of her wanted to turn back and forget the whole thing, but she had already driven all the way there. After two light taps on his door, she stepped back and waited for it to open.

A couple of minutes had passed with no response. She felt like an idiot, staring at the door as if she could make it open herself. Instinct told her to get back in her car and leave before she could embarrass herself any further, but it opened alright.

"Shh, mama. Take ya' bottle," he cooed at the little girl in his arms. Her big brown eyes stared up at him as he tipped the bottle into her mouth. He rocked her a little, calming the baby down. She looked like she had just got done fussing. "Hello?"

The rocking stopped and Keon froze as he stood face to face with Sai. Everything in him felt weak. If it weren't for Nori in his arms, he might have rolled over.

She cleared her throat to knock him out of the trance he was caught in.

"I, I um," he looked for the words but found none. Heat rushed to her cheeks as she waited for his response. He simply stepped to the side and let her enter his apartment.

Nori stirred a bit but she was now sleeping peacefully in his arms. He didn't want to put her down, fearing that she would wake up if he didn't keep rocking her. But Sai was sitting on the couch waiting on him, and it didn't help that his place wasn't necessarily the cleanest at the moment.

Seeing him all warm and cuddly with a baby was a shocker, but it made her heart melt. To everyone else, Keon didn't look like that kind of mushy guy. But once you got to know him, you'd realize that the hard exterior was just a front.

After laying her down on her back, he put the bottle away and joined Sai on the couch.

Sitting across from her he could see that not much had changed about her physically. The only thing he really noticed was that her nose was different, not in a bad way of course.

He had so many questions, but he let her get the opportunity to speak first.

"Is that your daughter?" She pointed at the crib that was positioned close to the window. It was clear that his place was not suited for a child.

Imagine if they had had one of their own.

"No, well yes. She's mine, legally." He kept his response simple and waited for her to get to the real reason why she had come. When the silence in the air became too heavy, he spoke up himself. "Whatchu doing here?"

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