Mittens got pregnant. Now even though they lived on the seventh floor they always leff the kitchen window open and Mittens was a very agile cat. She would go out the window and jump down using the windows as stepping stones. Mittens always just wandered around the estate catching mice and sunbathing, sometimes if a window was open and she looked cute someone would give her a piece of ham. Everyone was nice to Mittens on this estate, she knew all the humans.
Mittens didn't mean to get pregnant. However as you all know, male cats don't really need consent.They tend to just jump onto a female cat and have sex with her basically. So that is what happened to Mittens, she yowled and it was over in 48 seconds. Mittens was very surprised as she knew all the cats on the estate she did not remember seeing another black and white cat like her, especially not male ones. She tended to stay away from the male cats as that is what happened, unfortunately the male cat jumped on Mittens from behind.
Mittens wasn't too traumatized, she's a cat, its's natural. Mittens forgot about the whole ordeal three hours later when she was having her dinner and didn't think of it again. Tracey noticed she was pregnant about 6 weeks later when Mittens was quite fat. She was hoping Mittens had just been eating too much at first, she knew her neighbors liked to feed Mittens sometimes and sometimes Mittens would catch a mouse and eat it. However it was pretty obvious Mitten's wasn't just fat, she was pregnant.
Steve was fuming. He liked his little flat and he could just about deal with a cat roaming around but he'll be damned if there are 6 more little rats running about. Tracey managed to calm him down in the end with a blowjob and the promise she will find homes for every single kitten.
So the next day Tracey pulled out her phone and instead of typing the usual text of asking people if they knew who was selling heroin and cocaine for the cheapest price, she sent a text asking if anyone wanted a kitten for free. Within three hours, she had 17 replies saying they wanted a kitten.
She told Steve and they became very very excited for Mittens to give birth. However as no preparations were made for Mittens, on the day of her labor Mittens became very agitated. She kept walking around the bathroom and eventually settled in front of the toilet to give birth.
The special cat
De TodoAll cats are special and deserve to have their story told. Bailey is no different. He may only be 6 but he has had many homes and many owners and many experiences and hardships in his life. This story will make you smile, laugh, cry and love cats...