this is story about your first crush in high school , you fall for the new guy and IT IS KIO CYR! But lots of other spicy things happen as you read the chapters...Hope you like it! :)
you finish class and you meet Payton, Blanca and Kio in the hallway
you: Hey Pay, hey Blanca, hi Kio
you lock your eyes with Kio, then Kio realizes that Payton started laughing
Kio: hi *touches the back of his head*
Blanca: awh two love birds
*Blanca steps on Payton's foot*
Payton: *wipes his laughter tears* what did you do that?!?
*you see that Quinton is looking at you across the hallway*
you: um- guys could you excuse me for a moment?
* you walk towards Quinton*
you: hey Quinton, I'm sorry about yesterday...
Quinton: No problem Shirley, I should be the one that is sorry I went to fast...
???: Baby!
Quinton looks behind him
you: baby? who is she?
Quinton: oh yeah I forgot. Y/N this is Maddie my girlfriend, Maddie this is Y/N.
you were really confused because you thought Quinton had a crush on you
You: Griggs, is there something you want to tell me?
Maddie: babe, we have english class now
Quinton: Shirley I'll talk to you later!
*you turn around to see Blanca, Kio and Pay*
you and Payton start laughing
*skip to lunch break*
kio: hey, are you sitting with us?
you: sorry I said to Ryan that I was sitting with him to lunch...*you Kiss him in the cheek and then you see that quinton was looking at you*
*kio blushes*
you: hey Ryan!
ryan: *wipes off his tears* hey...
you: are you ok?
Ryan: lately I'm haing problems at home and Blanca is angry with me...
You: do you know why?
Ryan: I don't know, I just think that she is catching feelings for Pay.
you: have you talked to her?
Ryan: she won't even look at me...
you: to her, maybe she is not angry and just in a bad mood
Ryan: thanks
you: bye
*school finishes**you are outside with Kio*
kio: hey Y/N would you like to come home tonight?
you: sure, see you later!
Kio: bye!
*you are walking home*
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*you get a text message*
P: hey Y/N
y: hey Pay
P: i was wondering
P: do you like Kio right?
y/n: yeah, why?
P:areyou willing to go to the core party with him?
y/n: I'd like to but I don't think he is going to ask me...
P: we will see ab that
y/n: hahahha oh Pay, what would i do without you?
I just asked my crush if she wanted to sleep here and she said YES! I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING! That Kiss that she gave me at lunch break was so Good! i mean whaaaat!?!?!? i- um- hehe... I HAVE FEELINGS FOR Y/N. I recieve a message from Pay
P: hey bro!
k: whats up?
p: not much. wbu?
k: same...well Y/N is coming home to sleep
p: broooo, DON'T DO ANYTHING lol
k: lmao, no I won't promise
p: sooo Kio
k: what?
p: do you have feelings for Y/N?!?
k: of course man, she is an angel and she is so sweet and beautiful
p: are you inviting her to the core party?
k: I'm trying to, that's why I invited her to sleep, well se ya cause she arrived...